
misshapen adj.殘廢的,畸形的;破相的,丑陋的。


But the word of mr costello was an unwelcome language for him for he nauseated the wretch that seemed to him a cropeared creature of a misshapen gibbosity born out of wedlock and thrust like a crookback teethed and feet first into the world , which the dint of the surgeon s pliers in his skull lent indeed a colour to , so as it put him in thought of that missing link of creation s chain desiderated by the late ingenious mr darwin 分娩時屬逆產,足先露,且駝背188 。外科醫用鉗子在彼頭蓋上留下了明顯痕跡。布盧姆遂聯想到,彼即已故富于獨創性之達爾文先生畢生探求不已之進化論中所談之過渡生物189也。

The method keeps away from the cause of misshapen mode in modifying at the incomplete mode space . third , an intelligent genetic algorithms based model parameter identification method is brought forward , which maps real parameters to the space spanned by structural stiff and mass matrix , and optimizes them under some constraints 第三,提出了應用智能遺傳算法識別模態參數的方法,將實際工程結構參數映射摘要至由結構剛度陣和質量陣張成的特征空間,使其滿足某些最優條件以進行模態識別。

Hester prynne looked at the man of skill , and even then , with her fate hanging in the balance , was startled to perceive what a change had come over his features - how much uglier they were - how his dark complexion seemed to have grown duskier , and his figure more misshapen - since the days when she had familiarly known him 海絲特白蘭望著這位醫生,即使此刻對她命運儀關,也還是驚訝地發現,他的外貌發生了多么大的變化自從她熟悉他的時候以來,他的黑皮膚變得益發晦暗,他的身體益發畸形了。

Karay was an old , misshapen , muddy - coloured hound , famous for attacking an old wolf unaided . all took their places . the old count , who knew his sons ardour in the hunt , hurried to avoid being late , and the whippers - in had hardly reached the place when count ilya andreitch , with a cheerful face , and flushed and quivering cheeks , drove up with his pair of raven horses , over the green field to the place left for him 老伯爵知道他兒子在狩獵之時火氣很大,便趕快駛來,省得遲到,在獵犬訓練管理人還沒有走到圍捕的地方,伊利亞安德烈伊奇就已經乘坐兩匹烏雅駕的馬車,歡天喜地,紅光滿面,腮幫給震得不住地顛動,馬車駛過翠綠的田野,到達留給他的一條獸徑。

I am fond of these jars , upon which , perhaps , misshapen , frightful monsters have fixed their cold , dull eyes , and in which myriads of small fish have slept , seeking a refuge from the pursuit of their enemies . 我很喜歡這些瓷瓶,因為或許曾有猙獰可怕的妖怪的目光凝視過它們,而無數小魚也曾睡在那里面以逃避天敵的追捕。 ”

It seemed not so wild a dream - old as i was , and sombre as i was , and misshapen as i was - that the simple bliss , which is scattered far and wide , for all mankind to gather up , might yet be mine 看來這并非非分之想,盡管我年老,我陰沉,我畸形,可這種天南地北人人都可以用來溫暖自己的最樸素的福份,我也能夠享有才是。

He was lying like that now on his bedstead , his huge , heavy , misshapen head leaning on his fat hand . he was thinking with his one eye wide open , gazing into the darkness 現在他就是這樣躺著,用一只胖手支著他那又大又重因傷致殘的頭,睜著一只眼,向著黑暗處凝神思索。

Discoveries in the past eight years have revealed a connection between mutations and either the buildup of misshapen proteins or the failure of the cell ' s protective machinery 過去八年來的發現,指出了突變和錯誤蛋白堆積或細胞保護機具缺失有關。

Misshapen from my birth - hour , how could i delude myself with the idea that intellectual gifts might veil physical deformity in a young girl s fantasy 我生來畸形,我怎能自欺,竟以為知識和智能可以在年輕站娘的心目中掩蓋肉體的缺陷!

Passing on , there begins to appear on either side misshapen forms of human beings with some part of the body magnified 我繼續前進,在兩邊開始出現奇形怪狀的人形,某些部位被放大了。

From his bed , he showed me the many sores and scars on his misshapen body and all the bottles for medicine 躺在床上,他給我看他那被歲月扭曲了的軀體上的疤痕,以及他所有的藥瓶兒。

He held out a hand the size of a pie plate , in which lay a tiny , misshapen kitten 他伸出他那象餡餅盤一樣大的手掌,上面有一只小小的、長得奇形怪狀的小貓。

Moses fell hopelessly in love with her . but frumtje was repulsed by his misshapen appearance 摩西無可救藥地愛上了她,但因為外表丑陋,摩西遭到了她的拒絕。

A large white winding - sheet covered the corpse and partly outlined its misshapen contours 一塊巨大的白色裹尸布裹著尸體,從外面可以看出尸體的輪廓。

If he had been small or puny or sickly or misshapen he would ' ve been discarded 如果他很瘦小或者羸弱或者多病或者畸形,他就會被丟棄。

His knee is misshapen or unable to move 他的膝蓋有點畸形

You see them on the streets , misshapen and rust - covered 你看他們在大街上奇形怪狀,滿身鐵銹

His knee is misshapen and unable to move 他的膝蓋有點畸形,不能動。

His knee is misshapen or unable to move 他的膝蓋有點畸形,也不能動。