
missense n.【生物學】誤義〔包括一個或一個以上密碼子轉變的遺傳突...


One missense mutation was found in 48 hypertriglyceridemic patients and identified to be pro207 - leu by sequencing , pedigree analysis of this proband has been carried out and showed that the pro band ' s father is also a carrier of this mutation 征得患者家屬的同意和支持,對其家族三代十人進行了完整的家系分析。家系分析顯示,先證者的突變來自其父親的遺傳。在外顯子6 、 7 、 8中未檢出基因突變。

Mutations in wnk4 are missense mutations in the coding sequence near the coiled - coil domains Wnk4基因突變是位于coiled - coil區域附近一段高度保守區域的錯義突變。

Both frameshift and missense mutations can be suppressed by intragenic suppressors . 移碼突變和異義突變都能被基因內抑制基因所抑制。