
miss 短語和例子miss1n.(pl. misses)1.〔M...


Form time to time miss walcott wrote to me . 華爾科特小姐有時侯寫信給我。

Miss price gathered up her things slowly . 普賴斯小姐慢慢地收拾她的東西。

Missed it, old bean; he's pulling your leg . 你錯了,老兄;他在捉弄你呢。

I knew i had annoyed miss caroline . 我知道我觸怒了卡羅琳小姐。

I missed the beginning of the film . 我沒能看到這部影片的開頭。

Would miss crawley herself hold out ? 克勞萊小姐會支撐得下去嗎?

The bullet missed him by two inches . 那子彈差兩英寸就打中他了。

The child had been missing for a week . 孩子下落不明已有一周了。

Miss dashwood had a delicate complexion . 達什伍德小姐面色白皙。

Miss sally dived into her own bedroom . 薩麗女士溜到她自己的臥室里去了。

Miss clemson sailed into the room . 克來姆遜小姐大膽地走進房內。

Three characters are missing in this line . 這一行里脫了三個字。

She did not in the least miss him . 她對他一點也不覺得難舍難分。

Be quick , or you 'll miss the train . 快走,要不你趕不上火車了。

It looked to her as if the rock would miss . 看樣子石頭要落空了。

We have missed you badly since you were gone . 自你走后我們非常想念你。

Miss jordan considered becoming a pharmacist . 喬丹女士想當一名藥劑師。

You have missed out no vital steps . 你沒有遺漏任何一個必要步驟。

One craft had just missed going into the sea . 一架飛機差點兒掉進海里。