
misrepresent vt.1.傳錯,誤傳;曲解;誣告,把…顛倒黑白。2.不盡...


Sitting to one side , he reported to the blessed one all that happened , adding : i hope , venerable sir , that when i answered thus i stated what has been said by the blessed one and did not misrepresent him with what is contrary to fact ; that i explained in accordance with the dhamma , and that no reasonable consequence of my statement gives ground for criticis 然后向世尊報告來龍去脈,并附帶說:尊者,希望我沒有違反事實傳錯您的話;希望我的解釋與法義一致,希望我的言論在合理的情況下不會有遭受評擊的馀地。

Any web site or other device that links to http : www . ups . com or any page available therein is prohibited from replicating content , using a browser or border environment around the content , implying in any fashion that ups or any of its affiliates endorse it or its products , misrepresenting any any state of facts , including its relationship with ups or any of the ups affiliates , presenting false information about ups products or services , and using any logo or mark of ups or any of its affiliates , without express written permission from ups 鏈結于http : www . ups . com或任何在那里能獲得之網頁或其他設施,禁止: a復制內容, b在內容及資訊周圍使用一個瀏覽器或邊界, c以任何方式暗示ups或附屬公司認可該網站或該網頁的產品, d對任何事實狀態的虛假陳述,包括其與ups或任何附屬公司的關系, e對ups產品或服務發表虛假的資訊,及f無ups明示的書面允許,使用ups或其任何附屬公司的標識或標志。

They had also misrepresented the financial position of gold wo and its subsidiaries for the above financial years published in the prospectus of gold wo , and submitted to the stock exchange documents containing the inflated turnover and profit figures , the court heard . as a result , the stock exchange was induced to approve the listing application of gold wo , the court was told 案情又指他們亦在金禾所刊登的招股章程中,就金禾及其附屬公司在上述三個財政年度的財政狀況作出失實陳述,并提交多份文件,包括載有夸大上述的營業額及盈利數字的文件,從而誘使聯交所批準金禾上市的申請。

In the article , it is concluded that professional duty of care is the primary element for cpa ’ s negligent liability ; professional duty of care is breached if cpa fails to follow professional care to misrepresent during his practice ; and the civil liability for negligence will be consequentially imposed on cpa 文章認為,專家注意義務是注冊會計師過失侵權責任產生的前提條件;注冊會計師在執業活動中未能恪守必要的職業謹慎而作出虛假陳述行為構成專家注意義務的違反;注冊會計師過失侵權責任的承擔是其專家注意義務違反的當然后果。

The introduction is intended to question and challenge the traditional functionalism comparative analysis method under the analysis and comparative to the method , emphasizing the pure functionalism comparative method is dangerous and inappropriate to the flexibility of trusts , even possible to misrepresent the true notion of trust , moreover resulting in the ill ending , therefore the structuralism analysis method is more suitable to analyze the nature of trusts , as a result , introducing and analyzing the comparative conceptional essentials to the structure of trust , so to indicate to reconsider the anglo - saxon trusts in a few aspects 導論部分:在分析和比較的基礎上對民法法系學者研究信托制度的比較方法提出置疑,指出純粹的功能的比較方法對于研究信托制度本身是不適宜的,甚至可能歪曲信托的本來面目,進而導致不良的效果,信托的靈活性更需要結構性的分析和研究,并在此基礎上充分介紹和比較和分析了普通法系學者和大陸法系學者對于比較法上信托的結構要素的定義,進而提出需要重新思考普通法系的信托觀念和信托制度的一些想法。

All of them are prohibited from knowingly misrepresent , or cause others to misrepresent , facts about the company to others , whether within or outside the company , including to the company ' s independent registered public accounting firm , governmental regulators , self - regulatory organizations , and the general public 禁止任何人員在公司內部或外部,包括公司的獨立注冊會計事務所、政府監管機構、自律組織和公眾面前故意歪曲公司事實或引導他人歪曲公司事實。

However , care should be taken to ensure when using frames that the origin of the department of justice web site content is not misrepresented . also it should be made clear that access to the department of justice web site data is free and available directly from the department of justice web site 然而,使用框架時必須小心確保不會令律政司網站資料內容的來源表述失實,并須清楚說明,從律政司網站可以直接免費查閱律政司網站的資料。

By using authenticode for application deployment , clickonce helps prevent the phenomenon of a “ trojan horse , “ where a malicious third party misrepresents a virus or other harmful program as a legitimate program coming from an established , trustworthy source 通過將authenticode用于應用程序部署, clickonce幫助防止出現“特洛伊木馬”現象,即惡意的第三方將病毒或其他有害程序偽裝為來自已建立的可信任源的合法程序。

The charge is that the producers of the programme either deliberately misrepresented its nature , or foolishly slid into changing its purpose during production - - or both . of course , it is a matter of judgement whether the charge is made to stick 指控說這個節目的制作者們要么有意地歪曲了節目的性質,要么就是在制作過程中愚蠢地改變了節目的目的? ?或者兩種情況都有。當然,指控是否成立,還要看法官的裁決。

When a company praises , promotes , gives large raises to , or offers other desirable rewards to employees who lie , cheat , or misrepresent , the employees learn that unethical behavior pays off 如果員工撒謊、欺騙、發布假消息,機構鼓勵、提升這些員工,提高他們的工資,給予很多的獎勵,那么員工就會形成這樣一個概念:不道德行為能帶來好處。

Secondly , this thesis analyzed the constitutive requirements of civil liability of misrepresentation from the points of misrepresenting subject “ faults doctrine of liability fixation harmful consequence cautionary relation 其二,關于虛假陳述的構成要件,本文從虛假陳述者的過錯、歸責原則、損害后果和因果關系等方面展開論述。

Japan ' s relationship with those countries has been strained in recent years because of their perception that japan misrepresents the history of its military expansionism in the first half of the last century 日本與這兩國的關系近年來出現緊張,原因是它們認為日本歪曲了上世紀前半葉日本軍國主義的歷史。

Whenever one of those applications that have no affiliation with php itself are found to have an exploit , php itself is often misrepresented as being insecure , exploitable or flawed 每當某一種這樣的應用程序(和php本身沒有聯系)被發現存在漏洞時, php常常被誤認為是不安全的,可被利用的或者有缺陷的。

The argentinian insists his recent views have been misrepresented and is happy to help chelsea in their quest to win more silverware to add to last season ' s premiership title and carling cup 這名阿根廷人堅持認為他最近的態度被媒體誤解,并且很高興能夠幫助切爾西在去年的兩個冠軍上再添新的榮譽。

“ they have both , “ said she , “ been deceived , i dare say , in some way or other , of which we can form no idea . interested people have perhaps misrepresented each to the other 吉英說: “我認為他們雙方都受了人家的蒙蔽,至于是怎樣受到蒙蔽的,我們當然無從猜測,也許是哪一個有關的人從中挑撥是非。

If the facts stated on the application are found to be misrepresented , or the money used for some other purpose than that for which it was borrowed , the loan shall become immediately due and payable 若申請書內容被發現虛報,或社員不依照申請書申述之用途運用該貸款,該貸款即被視為滿期。

For example , almost all the state law will be “ the existence of important facts and misrepresented “ as vendors an infringement of the elements , but the plaintiff difficult to prove 例如,幾乎所有的州法都將“存在對重要事實的錯誤陳述”作為銷售商構成侵權的要件,但是原告很難證明。

It has been misrepresented by fencing scholars for the past one hundred years as an ineffectual and artificial system of swordsmanship full of absurdities 在過去了的100多年時間里,這個名詞已經被擊劍領域的學者以訛傳訛,變成了一個充滿荒謬、無效、和虛假的劍術體系。

As you are probably aware , you can do all kinds of things with html to adjust your presentation , which sometimes has the side effect of misrepresenting your content 您可能已經發覺,用html可以對表示作出各種調整,但有時候副作用是歪曲了內容。