
misremember vt.,vi.1.記錯。2.〔方言〕忘記。


My friend ( the accused ) be late because of misremembering sessional time , be informed by the judge to its behavior will adjudge processing with absent , can sit to listen , but have no right to make a speech , namely litigant right is stripped by the judge 我的一位朋友(被告)因把開庭時間記錯而遲到,被法官告知對其行為將以缺席宣判處理,可以坐下來聽,但無權發言,即訴訟權利被法官剝奪。

Look “ assure law “ ah , if was not misremembered , the sun from loan rises , if the right holding like liu after december , avoid high duty 看一下《擔保法》呀,假如沒記錯的話,自借款之日起,十二月后如劉不主張權利的話,高免責。

In cash log account book if was misremembered , is if where manages , receipt opens a fault this 現金日志帳中假如記錯了,收據開錯是該如何處理?

Mr . thompson asked an expert about it , but misunderstood or misremembered the answer 關於這點湯普生先生請教過專家,但他誤解或記錯了答案。

The password that is you then was misremembered . think well 那就是你的密碼記錯了。好好想想。