
misread vt.(-read ) 讀錯,解釋錯…的意思。


How did you do in the test ? not so well . i could have done much better but i misread the directions for the writing 測驗做的怎樣?不怎樣。我本來可以做的更好的,但是我看錯了寫作的說明。

Mr allawi goes much further , arguing persuasively that they fundamentally misread iraq ' s political culture 阿拉維走的更深入,他令人信服的論證到美國人從根本上就誤讀了伊拉克的政治文化。

Cannot read misreads order orders added by physician after initial order processed ; rn does not see additional orders 第一份處方處理過后醫師追加處方,正職護士沒注意到追加的處方

As a bridge connecting different cultures and peoples , translation unavoidably involves cultural misreading 摘要作為跨文化交際的橋梁,翻譯活動中不可避免地存在著文化間的誤讀。

But to see general musharraf as lone defender against the islamic tide is to misread pakistan 但是如果把穆沙拉夫將軍看作是抵擋伊斯蘭浪潮的唯一依靠那就大錯特錯了。

According to the basic theory the misreads are analyzed and corrected using the quantitative diagnostic method 根據基礎理論,采用定量診斷方法來分析并糾正其誤。

A research on the language and the non - language factors in misreading and mistranslation : taking the chinese translation of 謬譯為例兼與此卷次審何紹庚先生商榷

Wang tong - zhao ' s recommendation , approval , misreading and original ideal about schopenhauer ' s and eduard von hartmaun ' s aesthetics 哈特曼美學的譯介與誤讀

On the positive role of misreading from the viewpoint of pound ' s acceptance of the chinese classic poems 從龐德對中國古典詩歌的接受看誤讀的積極作用

The textual china and the real china - the imagination and misreading of modern japanese writers ' journey to china 近代日本作家中國之行的想象與誤讀

The result shows that the utility of the arithmetic progression can limit the first kind of misread 結果表明,等差數列的利用可規范第一種誤讀。

This view comes from his misreading , in fact , which is so - called ceative treason 但魯迅對尼采的強力意志論、超人說和近代文明觀都產生了誤讀。

The reader who do not detect the seriousness under the lightness often misread him 沒有意識到輕松掩蓋下的嚴肅性的讀者常常會誤解他。

I misread you , man 我真看錯你了

Misreading of philosophy and thought ' s concealment - thinking of yany xian - zhen ' s philosophy lncident 關于楊獻珍哲學學案的思考

The essence of man and his existence - an incidental analysis of heidegger ' s misreading about marx 兼談海德格爾對馬克思的誤讀

The general misread the enemy ' s intentions , and didn ' t expect an attack 這位將軍誤解了敵軍的意圖,沒有料到他們會發動進攻。

Machines can sometimes misread or fail to detect the way 1 ) ballots are cast 機器有時會誤讀或檢測不出選票顯示的結果。

That misread could have been 也有可能錯解