
misprision n.1.(特指公職人員的)玩忽職守,瀆職。2.【法律】知...


Harold bloom , a monumental and legendary figure of literary criticism at yale university , a name that cannot be avoided in poetry criticism , is one of the strongest and definitely the most prolific critics of his generation or of several past generations . professor xu jing , correspondent of foreign literature studies , interviewed professor bloom in may 2006 . this interview focuses on his theory of poetry that was explosively brought forth in the 1970s by his famous tetralogy : the anxiety of influence , a map of misreading , kabbalah and criticism , and poetry and repression . bloom regards his theory of “ the anxiety of influence “ as his most important contribution to literary criticism , and uses “ dancing “ to explain his famous yet baffling six rations of “ misprision . “ always preoccupied with his own theory , bloom here again traces the precursors of emily dickinson and makes a brief comparison between walt whitman and wallace stevens . looking back to his past , bloom gives a summation of his life ' s trajectory as a critic : a revivalist of romantic poetry , a theoretician of poetry , and a critic for the general public . bloom began his career as a critic of british romantic literature in the afterglow of the new criticism . in the 1970s , bloom brought forth his explosive “ theory of poetry “ in the tetralogy publised in very quick succession in the 1970s . since the 1980s , bloom has become less technical and hopes to reach a wider readership . his literary criticism and what he calls his “ criticism of religion “ for the general public have made harold bloom a household name in america as well as in the world . at present , the 76 - year - old harold bloom is intensely engaged in the writing of what he hopes to be his masterpiece , the anatomy of influence , which is to be published in 2008 by princeton university press 哈羅德?布魯姆教授是耶魯大學具有里程碑意義和傳奇色彩的文學批評家,一個詩歌批評界的一個不可回避的名字,是他那一代人或幾代人中最猛烈的、也無疑是最多產的批評家之一.本刊特約記者徐靜于2006年5月對布魯姆教授進行了采訪.本次訪談的重點是布魯姆在20世紀70年代以《影響的焦慮》 、 《誤讀的地圖》 、 《卡巴拉與批評》 、 《詩歌與壓抑》四部曲的形式相繼提出的、具有爆炸性的“詩歌理論“ .布魯姆認為“影響的焦慮“是他對文學批評最重要的貢獻,并用舞蹈這一形象的比喻來解釋了他那著名的卻常常令人困惑的關于“誤讀“的“六個定量“ .在訪談中,布魯姆還追溯了幾位對愛米莉?狄金森頗有影響的前輩詩人,并簡單比較了惠特曼和史蒂文斯.布魯姆將他的批評生涯概括為三個階段:浪漫主義詩歌的復興者,詩歌理論家以及面向大眾的批評者.在新批評的余輝中,布魯姆以對英國浪漫主義詩歌的批評開始了其批評生涯. 20世紀70年代布魯姆提出了他那爆炸性的、以四部曲的形式相繼問世的“詩歌理論“ .進入80年代后,布魯姆的批評不再艱深難懂,他希望能擁有更廣大的讀者群.他為普通大眾所寫的文學批評及“宗教批評“ (布魯姆語)使得哈羅德?布魯姆成為了美國以及全世界的一個家喻戶曉的名字.目前, 76歲的布魯姆正全力寫作《影響的解剖》一書,將于2008年由普林斯頓大學出版社出版

The bill also proposes the abolition of the common law offence of misprision of treason ( or the failure to report an act of treason ) , which is in the statute books of other common law jurisdictions 《草案》也廢除了在其他普通法地區通行的隱匿叛國(即所謂知情不報)罪。

The system of misprision of treason , which has a deep social base and a long history , is a typical system in our ancient society 摘要容隱制在中國法律傳統中有著深厚的社會基礎和悠久的歷史。

Walter thinks we can knock out the misprision of felony charge 沃爾特認為我們可以擺脫隱匿犯人這一重罪的指控

Poetic misprision , intertextuality and literary history 詩學誤讀183 ;互文性183 ;文學史