
misprint n.,vt.【印刷】印錯,誤印。


Nettled not a little by l . boom as it incorrectly stated and the line of bitched type , but tickled to death simultaneously by c . p . m coy and stephen dedalus , b . a . , who were conspicuous , needless to say , by their total absence to say nothing of m intosh , l . boom pointed it out to his companion b . a . , engaged in stifling another yawn , half nervousness , not forgetting the usual crop of nonsensical howlers of misprints 利布姆姑且照誤排的拼法以及整個一行排得一團糟的活字固然令人十分懊惱,同時查p .麥科伊和文學士斯蒂芬迪達勒斯正因為缺席,格外引人注目,這是用不著說的了穿膠布雨衣的人的事暫且不提。此事可把利布姆逗樂了,并指給那位文學士看,也沒忘記告訴他,報紙上經常出現的那些荒唐可笑的錯誤。

Correction notice in the donation highlight column of our 29th ebenezer news august 2006 , the name of the donor leah ohel synagogue charity was a misprint . the correct name should be ohel leah synagogue charity . our sincere apologies to the donor concerned 更正啟事:本院第29期2006 8月心光通訊內特別鳴謝欄將善長名稱誤植為“ leah ohel synagogue charity ” ,實應為“ ohel leah synagogue charity ” .特此更正,并向有關善長深致歉意。

Master then commented that the south african press had provided positive coverage of her arrival , although she also joked that they stated her age as being 51 , but that this was really a misprint that should have read 15 instead 這次師父走訪南非,當地新間界都給予正面報導,她笑說媒體把她年紀印成,而那真是筆誤,該倒換過來成歲才對!

The new origami teacher ' s name was misprinted in the previous newsletters . the correct name is 張 世 才 . we apologize for the mistake 本校前期通訊刊印新任摺紙班教師名字錯誤。我們在此更正:張老師的名字是張世才。編輯室深表歉意。

There are few books but have a misprint or two , but this book is anything but perfect 有一些書很好但有印刷上的一兩點錯誤,這本書雖然一般但是印刷上很完美。

A : please accept my apologies . it must be a misprint . let me call the accounts department right away 請接受我的道歉,這一定是印錯,讓我立刻通知會計部。

Please accept my apologies . it must be a misprint . let me call the accounts department right away 請接受我的道歉,這一定是印錯,讓我立刻通知會計部。

There are few books but have a misprint or two , but this book is anything but perfect 有些書僅有一兩處的印刷錯誤,即便是這樣的書,也算不上完美。

There are few books but have a misprint or two , but this book is anything but perfect 這里每本書都有一兩處打印錯誤,而這本書也稱不上完美。

This experienced editor is said to be able to reduce the misprints to almost nil 據說這位經驗豐富的老編輯能把印刷錯誤幾乎降低到零。

There are few books but have a misprint or two , but this book is anything but perfect 我被禁止見他,更不用說和他交談了。

Misprints occur on every page 每頁都有印刷錯誤

There are often cases in which misprints lead to great confusion 由印刷錯誤導致的混亂是常有的事情。

As i looked through the book , several misprints caught my eye 當我看這本書時,看到了幾處印刷錯誤。

Who will have to account for the misprints in the dictionary 誰必須對字典中的印刷錯誤做出說明?

Now there isn ' t any dictionary but has one or two misprints 現在哪本字典都會有一兩處印刷錯誤。

The paper was perfect except that there were some misprints 除了一些印刷錯誤外,這篇論文很好。

Three misprints occur on the first page 第一頁有三個地方印錯。

There are a few misprints which i will correct in proof 有幾處印錯了,我將在校樣上一一改正。