
misplay n.〔美國〕(球類運動)動作錯誤,失誤;誤演,誤奏。vt...


At present , the people widely adopt the bba ’ s definition ” the risks owing to faultiness or misplay of inner program , personnel and system , or direct or indirect loss for exterior affairs occurring ” this text will also adopt this definition . it is the answer of what is operational risk 因此,在英國銀行家協會( bba )采用直接方式將操作風險定義為“由于內部程序、人員、系統的不完善或失誤,或外部事件造成直接或間接損失的風險”之后,這個定義便得到了廣泛的認可和應用,新資本協議也沿用了這個定義。

The national question in yugoslavia became acute during the period of sfry , the reason was that on the way of the reform of yugoslavia autonoraic socialism , federalism decentralized excessively , emphasized absolute equality of the nations , and this “ confederalization “ misplay of institutional leaded the national question in yugoslavia to coming out again 南斯拉夫聯邦時期民族問題從緩解到激化的消長歷程,其緣由并非在于南共對聯邦制這一國家結構的選擇,而是南斯拉夫在自治社會主義制度探索和改革中,其聯邦制發生了過度分權、強調民族絕對平等的“邦聯化”畸變,這種制度變遷上的失誤才是南斯拉夫民族問題重浮水面的主要原委。

They will choose their action as a “ rational economic person ” , so it ’ s easy for government interest to make departure and encroach on the pulic interest , which leads to the misplay and misdirection of public policy . it ’ s also in violation of the principle of equity and justness . the existence of the government interest is inevitable 在現實生活中,由于政府利益的客觀存在,以及政策制定者也會按照“理性經濟人”的思維方式選擇自己的行動方式,所以還是會出現政府利益的錯位和偏離現象,導致公共政策的失誤、失真甚至誤導,影響公共政策質量和效率,甚至嚴重違背了政策的公平、公正原則。

At the same time , because our stock market is emerging and reform is under way in our country , there exist many latent risks . such as : the quality of listing companies inside the stock market ; the technical conditions of agency ; the bugs of rules and regulations of stock dealing ; the misplays of policies and fluctuation of macro - economy ; the unstable of financial system and so on 同時,我國新興證券市場和經濟體制改革的特殊背景也使其面臨巨大的潛在風險,如證券市場內部上市公司質量、中介機構水準問題、證券交易制度的缺陷、調控政策的失當以及證券市場外部宏觀經濟的波動、金融體系的不穩定、來自國際金融體系的沖擊等都可以引起我國證券市場的異常波動。

It ' s considered that the only child juvenile delinquency tends to have more wicked property and the increasing crime rate , and the instrument of only child juvenile delinquency tends to be adult - alike , intellectualized , in team work and with younger ages . it deeply explores the subjective and object reasons for the only child delinquency . the subject reason is including devoid of correct philosophy and value of life , too strong self - centralized consciousness and dependency , lack of self - supporting , legal idea and social communication ability and not knowing how to choose friends etc . the objective reason is that the unsuited environment and misplay of scholastic and family education , ill influence by the community and so on 本文首先從犯罪的主體、犯罪的客體、犯罪的主觀方面和犯罪的客觀方面闡述了獨生子女犯罪的構成;接著分析了我國獨生子女犯罪的現狀及其危害性,認為我國當前獨生子女犯罪呈現犯罪性質惡劣,重大刑事犯罪率上升,犯罪手段成人化、智能化,犯罪方式團伙化,犯罪年齡低齡化等特點,闡述了獨生子女犯罪對獨生子女自身、家庭、同輩群體以及社會的危害;然后深入地剖析了我國獨生子女犯罪的主要主客觀原因,認為主觀原因包括缺乏正確的人生觀、價值觀,自我中心意識強,感情脆弱,依賴性強,生活自理能力差,法制觀念淡薄,人際交往能力差,擇友不慎等方面;獨生子女犯罪的客觀原因有不良的社會環境,學校教育的失誤,家庭教育的失當,社區環境的影響等。

Lot is accounting principle ; love is intangible asset ; lover is accounts payable ; missing him is book of account ; quarrel is provision for bad debts ; unrequited love is bad debt ; falling in love with a wrong person is a big accounting misplay ; break - up is closing entry ; loneliness is accumulated depreciation 緣分是會計原則;愛情是無形資產;愛人是應付帳款;想他是日記帳;吵架是壞帳準備;暗戀是呆帳;錯愛是重大會計失誤;分手是結帳分錄;孤單是累計折舊。

Analyzing and summarizing the misplay in training , this thesis try to establish a new teachers training system of high education in five aspects , which are object , step , content , mode and evaluation of the training 分析和總結以往培訓方面的失誤,本文試圖從培訓目標、培訓措施、培訓內容、培訓方式和培訓評估五方面著手建立新型的高校教師信息技術培訓體系。

As long as we use scientific methods to open out the evolutive law of our complex economy , adopt feasible countermeasures , institute scientific middle and long run layouts , we can avoid fatal misplay in decision - making 只要利用科學方法揭示我國復雜經濟系統的演化規律,并采用切實可行的對策,制定出科學的中長期規劃,就可以避免重大的決策失誤。

And it may avoid furthest delaying course in the federation development for misplay . hla brings a goog many to simulation . but these latency superiorities are exerted more efficiently only when fedep is run automatically Hla給仿真界帶來了諸多好處,但只有在聯邦開發與執行過程能夠自動化運行的情況下,這些潛在的優勢才能得到更有效的發揮。

And the explicit factor is management risk 、 expectant cash inflood quantity 、 capital fluidity 、 money market 、 decision - making misplay 、 credit risk 、 government behavior etc . macroscopical factor 經營風險、預期現金的流入量和資產的流動性、金融市場、決策失誤、信用風險、政府行為等宏觀因素是負債籌資風險的外在因素。

Then summarize the experience , misplay and strategy in dealing with some sudden matters , and use them as reference in other alike activities in the future 總結比賽運作過程中的經驗、失誤、以及處理突發事件的應急措施的策略,作為以后俱樂部運作同類活動的參考依據。

For this reason , to decrease the human misplay is the key to reduce collision and enhance the safety of navigation 因此,減少人為操縱失誤是降低船舶碰撞事故率和提高船舶航行安全的關鍵。

Because of my misplay i forgot to electricize my mobile telephone yesterday that lead it closed when i waked up this morning 由于我昨天忘記給手機充電了,今早一醒來發現手機關機了。

On the misplay and its rectification in current economic development 論當前經濟發展中的誤區及其矯正對策

The reason of public decision - making misplay 公共決策失誤的根源探析