
misplace vt.1.把…放錯地方;〔口語〕忘記把…放在什么地方。2...


Or maybe the letter was just misplaced in the mountains of mail we were receiving 也有可能這封信被誤置于我們收到的堆得像小山般的信件中。

Visual studio displays an error message when you misplace a control on the page in design view 但是,在您這樣做時它會顯示一條錯誤信息。

She ' s misplaced in that job ; she ought to be doing something more creative 她在那份工作中被放錯地方,她應該去從事一些更有創意的工作。

I want to report a stolen card . ( card missing ) i ' ve misplaced my credit card 我要通報信用卡失竊(或遺失) 。我的信用卡不知放哪兒去了?

And misplacing and drop understood , make the unusual feeling become true existence 而解讀的錯位和落差,使異常的感覺成為真實的存在。

An issue with the gang broadcast buttons being misplaced after undocking has been fixed 解決了離開空間站后組隊廣播按鈕的位置錯誤。

The real with its meaning read wrong and emphasis misplaces is the unreal 若誤解了真實的含義,或弄錯了它的重點,真實便不再真實。

The real with its meaning read wrong and emphasis misplaced is the unreal “真實”的含義被誤解,輕重被倒置,那就成了“不真實” 。

The real with its meaning read wrong and emphasis misplaced is the unreal 當“真實“的意思被曲解,本未被倒置時,它就成了“不真實“

Room search is always suggested in case the guest may have misplaced the item 客人的房間要被搜查,也許客人將物品放錯位置。

Argentina crisis : misplacing of roles of government and market in the developing countries 發展中國家政府與市場角色的錯位

You trust in john is misplaced , he ' ll deceive you if he gets the chance 你對約翰的信任是不值得的,他一有機會就會騙你。

What can i do for you , pal ? - i lost or misplaced my computer 我能為你做什么,老弟? -我的電腦丟了或者是放錯地方了。

I misplaced my sunglasses 太陽鏡放錯地方了

If you think deafness is funny , you ' ve got a very misplaced sense of humour 假若認為耳聾有趣,這種幽默感十分不當

Even a misplaced comma can change the entire meaning of a sentence 就算用錯一個逗號的話,句子的整個意思就會改變。

- linda , you missed the whole thing . - i misplaced the cigarette case -琳達,你錯過了整臺戲-我把煙盒放錯地方了

The micorphone is misplaced , it shall be placed on the right side of chair 麥克風的位置不對,要放在椅子右邊。

Linda , you missed the whole thing . - i misplaced the cigarette case 琳達,你錯過了整臺戲-我把煙盒放錯地方了