
misogyny n.厭惡女人;厭女癥[癖]。n.-nist 厭惡女人的人...


Borat became a phenomenon in the u . k . with the comedy series “ da ali g show , “ in which baron cohen s outlandish humor and razor - sharp satire on anti - semitism , misogyny and racism , came to life through his creation s bizarre behavior and interviews 波叔話自己系一名來自哈薩克的新聞記者,據說,他靠著賣炸彈給鄰國,先籌到5 , 000美金?多,從家鄉走到老遠的美國,拍攝一騎呢紀錄片。

Whatever the numbers , however , victims of these hunts are perceived as martyrs by wiccans today , with the lessons of intolerance , misogyny and religious terror clearly noted 然而無論什么數字,這些狩獵的受害人被今天的巫術崇拜者認為是殉教者,帶有明顯的不容異說教訓,厭惡女人和宗教性恐怖印記。