
misnomer n.誤稱;使用不當的名稱;用詞不當。


The aim is to the red color ball into the right , the blue color ball into the left color ball along the line will continue to rebound campaign screen on both sides of the middle of a misnomer , the only only through a small opening , the player needs up and down the mouse , small mouth adapted to control the position adopted ornaments 目的是將紅色的彩球歸入右側,藍色的彩球歸入左側,彩球會不斷沿著直線反彈運動,畫面中間為兩側的隔離欄,唯一可以通過的只有一個小口,玩家需要上下移動鼠標,改編小口的位置來控制彩球通過。

At some point , doing so will be the “ fastest “ route to get your application running , but “ fastest “ is almost always a misnomer in such cases , since you ll spend hours making changes to your application when that business logic changes . it s hardly good application design if the code driving your display has to change because of the way shoes are ordered or refrigerators are shipped 有時,這么做會是讓應用程序運行起來的“最快”途徑,但是在這類情況下, “最快”通常是名不符實的,因為業務邏輯更改時,要花很多時間對應用程序做修改(如果因為訂購鞋的方式或冰箱送貨的方式變化,就必須修改驅動顯示的代碼,那么這可不是好的應用程序設計!

The aim is to the red color ball into the right , the blue color ball into the left color ball along the line will continue to rebound movement , the screen on both sides of the middle of a misnomer . only through only a small mouth , the player needs up and down the mouse to change the location of the small population control through ornaments 目的是將紅色的彩球歸入右側,藍色的彩球歸入左側,彩球會不斷沿著直線反彈運動,畫面中間為兩側的隔離欄,唯一可以通過的只有一個小口,玩家需要上下移動鼠標,改變小口的位置來控制彩球通過。

Introduction : the aim is to the red color ball into the right , the blue color ball into the left color ball along the line will continue to rebound campaign screen on both sides of the middle of a misnomer , the only only through a small opening , the player needs up and down the mouse , small mouth adapted to control the position adopted ornaments 目的是將紅色的彩球歸入右側,藍色的彩球歸入左側,彩球會不斷沿著直線反彈運動,畫面中間為兩側的隔離欄,唯一可以通過的只有一個小口,玩家需要上下移動鼠標,改編小口的位置來控制彩球通過。

While the other was reading it on page two boom to give him for the nonce his new misnomer whiled away a few odd leisure moments in fits and starts with the account of the third event at ascot on page three , his sidevalue 1 , 000 sovs . , with 3 , 000 sovs 當對方讀著第二版時,布姆姑且就用他這個排錯了的新姓氏吧為了解悶,時而隔三跳四地讀上一段第三版所載阿斯科特賽馬會上第三場比賽的消息。

The key indicator of interest rates in hong kong is not the best lending rate , which is increasingly becoming a misnomer , but the base rate , which is automatically determined by movements in the us fed funds target rate 香港的基本利率最優惠貸款利率逐漸變得名不符實,已經不是本港利率的主要指標,反而跟隨美國聯邦基金目標利率自動調節的基本利率,更具參考作用。

Too often we hear the phrase , “ this movie breaks the genre , “ or “ genre - defying . “ do you think maybe “ genre “ is a misnomer , more effective as a marketing ploy than anything else 我們太常聽到這樣的話了, “這部電影打破了該類型”或是“反類型的” ,你是否覺得這里的“類型”這詞沒有意義,更多地是作為營銷的手段。

But this misnomer will probably remain in view of the fact that some significant lending businesses are still priced against this best lending rate 盡管這樣,由于有些重大的貸款交易仍然以最優惠貸款利率作為厘定指標,這種名不符實的現象大概仍會維持下去。

The title s a misnomer - this time it s actually a los angeles job - but the action s just as exciting as it propels a breezy tale of honor and dishonor among competing thieves 一費一顆子彈,一損一根毛發,只要一分鐘交通擠塞,逾憶金磚唾手可得!

The term set - top box will become something of a misnomer in the near future , as most displays will become too thin to allow a box to placed on . . . . 名詞機頂盒將成為一種名不符實在不久的將來,由于大部分顯示器將成為太薄允許放在箱子來:

It ' s a common misnomer to call the language “ assembler “ , so start out on the right foot by calling the language by its proper name 把這門語言叫做“匯編程序”這種用詞不當相當普遍,因此,請從這門語言的正確稱呼作為起點出發。

Decoupling was always a misnomer , seeming to imply that an american recession would have no impact on asia “脫鉤”總是容易誤導人的,似乎暗示著美國的衰退并不會影響亞洲。

Decoupling was always a misnomer if it implied that an american recession would have no impact in the east 如果脫鉤是講美國經濟衰退不會對東方產生影響的話,那么這是誤導。

` first - class hotel ' was a complete misnomer for the tumbledown farmhouse we stayed in 把我們住的那個搖搖欲墜的村舍稱作一流旅館,純粹是亂用詞語

Note : roadside orange misnomer do not touch , measuring 1 to 2 seconds deduction results 注意:路邊的橙色隔離欄不要碰,碰倒一個要扣2秒鐘成績。

He is no misnomer 他果然名不虛傳。

“ lightning “ is a misnomer for that slow , old horse 閃電對那匹慢吞吞的老馬而言是名不符實。

Again if it were not for , may be his misnomer , ah 再要不是,就可能是他用詞不當,呵呵。