
misname vt.叫錯(名字);誤稱。


Yet , with very few exceptions , the discipline thus misnamed has approach the problem of the social distribution of knowledge merely from the angle of the ideological foundation of truth in its dependence upon social and , especially , economic conditions , or from that of the social implications of education , or that of the social role of the man of knowledge 然而,少有例外的,這種學科處理知識的社會分配問題,卻只從真理意識形態基礎的角度著手,而這種基礎是依從社會,尤其是經濟條件,或是教育的社會意涵,或知識人的社會角色,因此我們可以說,知識社會學命名不當。

Do not risk being beguiled by appearances and constructing theories and interpretations based on distortions through misnaming . give your assent only to what is actually true 不要甘冒被表象誘騙的風險,也要小心那些基于錯誤命名而扭曲真相所建構的理論和詮釋。將你的贊同只投給實際上是真的事物。

Also in september another misnamed perpetrator was in the news in new england 同樣也是在2003年9月,美國新英格蘭地區的新聞中也出現一位名不副實的犯罪者。

First , the aims of foreign policy go far beyond the misnamed “ war on terror ” 首先,外交政策的目標,遠不止于命名不當的“反恐戰爭” 。

Hkras - misnamed animal posters in new world centre 香港爬蟲協會-新世界中心亞瑪遜內動物海報的錯誤名稱

That tall man is misnamed mr short 那個高個兒男子偏偏姓short (矮小之意)

Misnamed animal posters in new world centre 新世界中心亞瑪遜內動物海報的錯誤名稱