
mismanage vt.把…辦錯,對…管理不當,對…處理失當。n.-men...


It is the country that has mismanaged the iraq war ; holds prisoners without trial at guant namo bay ; restricts funding for stem - cell research because of fundamentalist religious beliefs ; and destroyed the chance of a global climate - change deal based on the kyoto protocol 正是這樣一個國家,對伊拉克戰事處置失當,把戰俘關押在關塔那摩海灣又不審訊,顧及原教旨主義分子的宗教信仰而限制對干細胞研究的資助;也正是這樣一個國家,拒絕簽署《京都議定書》有關的全球氣候變化協議。

Four european union envoys this week pressed the ugandan government to investigate and possibly prosecute a former health minister and two of his deputies for mismanaging funds provided to the ugandan government by the geneva - based global fund to fight aids , tuberculosis and malaria 四位歐盟特使本周向烏干達政府施壓,要求調查前衛生部長及他的兩位助手并在可能的情況下提起控訴,起因是他們對日內瓦全球基金提供給烏干達政府用于防治艾滋病、肺結核及瘧疾的資金處置失當。

Four european union envoys this week pressed the ugandan government to investigate and possibly prosecute a former health minister and two of his deputies for mismanaging funds provided to the ugandan government by the geneva - based global fund to fight aids , tuberculosis and malaria 四名歐盟外交使節于本周向烏干達政府施加壓力,要求它對該國前任外交部長及其部門兩名議員展開調查并可能進行起訴,因為這三人對日內瓦全球抵抗愛滋、肺結核和瘧疾基金會提供的援助基金管理不當。

But it is also worth noting that russians , russia ' s put - upon neighbours and the shareholders in the sakhalin project are not the only people who stand to suffer as a result of the russian economy and political system being mismanaged this way 同樣值得一提的是,如果俄羅斯經濟頹廢、政治混亂如此繼續下去,結果受害的不僅僅是俄羅斯人、受其壓制的鄰國以及薩哈林島項目的股東們。

More generally , as ordinary russians get richer , they may grow dissatisfied with their present masters , especially when they see them stealing and mismanaging the economy 從更廣泛的意義上來說,隨著俄羅斯普通民眾漸趨富裕,他們可能會對現任的領導人愈加不滿,尤其是當他們發現這些人盜取國家財富并且對經濟發展管理不善的時候。

More generally , as ordinary russians get richer , they may grow dissatisfied with their present masters , especially when they see them stealing and mismanaging the economy 從更廣泛意義上說,隨著俄羅斯民眾日益富裕,可能會對現任領導人愈加不滿,尤其是民眾發現這些人中飽私囊并把國家經濟搞得一團糟之時。

Listen , count , you have mismanaged things so , that we are getting nothing for the house , and now you want to throw away all ourall the childrensproperty “聽我說,伯爵,你把這個家鬧到一錢不值的地步,現在咱們的全部財產毀滅了你又要把孩子們的家產全毀掉。

He was conscious that he had mismanaged his wifes estate and had wronged his children , but he had no notion how to rectify the position 他覺得,他是他妻子的地產的蹩腳主管,他對不起他自己的兒女,可是他并不知道,要怎樣去加以改進。

The hearings will also show hughes aircraft to be mismanaged and incompetent . . 聽證會將證明休斯航空公司的管理混亂和無能

The hearings wiii aiso show hughes aircraft to be mismanaged and incompetent . . 聽證會將證明休斯航空公司的管理混亂和無能

The hearings wiii aiso show hughes aircraft to be mismanaged and incompetent 聽證會將證明休斯航空公司的管理混亂和無能

The hearings will also show hughes aircraft to be mismanaged and incompetent 聽證會將證明休斯航空公司的管理混亂和無能

Paul's grandfather did set up a family trust fund, but it's been horribly mismanaged . 保羅的祖父倒是立下了一筆家族信托基金,但管理得一塌湖涂。

The exigencies of forming may make it necessary to mismanage a pasture . 生產過程中的突發性事件可能會迫使采取不適當的草場管理措施。