
mislead vt.把…帶錯路;把…引入歧途;使迷惑[誤解];哄騙。


Advertisements can mislead consumers , especially children 廣告誤導消費者,特別是兒童

Critics accuse companies of using ads to mislead us 批評者指責公司濫用廣告誤導我們

A spokesman has said they were not an attempt to mislead 發言人說他們沒又企圖誤導。

In fact , a lot of that cv experience can be misleading 事實上,許多履歷經常誤導人。

He is a good boy , but bad companions misled him 他是個好孩子,但壞伙伴把他帶壞了。

Don ' t judge by appearances appearances can be misleading 勿以外貌取人- -外貌不可靠

Don ' t judge by appearance ? ? appearance can be misleading 勿以貌取人? ?外貌不可靠。

Are likely to be misled by strange people ' s appearance 容易為陌生人的外表所迷惑

To attempt to mislead or deceive by talking nonsense 試圖用胡言亂語來誤導或欺騙。

He is a good boy but bad companions misled him 他是個好男孩,但是壞同伴誤導了他。

A means used to mislead or lead into danger 誘捕一種手段,用以把…引入危險的境地

On the legal standards of defining misleading behaviors 論界定誤導行為的法律標準

But the parallels with the cold war are misleading 用冷戰做比較容易讓人誤解。

But do you see what s misleading about this report 但是這個報告有什么誤導嗎?

Who will mislead you down a path where no one will survive 他會誤導玩家走上死路

Misused words often generate misleading thoughts 譯文:用詞錯誤經常導致誤解。

I have looked at most of the available material on american slang for chinese students and have found it both inadequate and misleading . 我已看過大多數給中國學生的有關美國俚語的可找到的材料,并發現這些資料寫的不是不夠好,就是使人產生誤解。

Extended sources of this sort are generally referred to as incoherent but this description is somewhat misleading as we shall see in a moment . 這種擴展光源一般叫做不相干的。但是我們不久就會看到,這種叫法會使人產生一些誤解。

I would put out misleading wireless signals, send false intelligence reports, dispose my troops in a misleading fashion . 我要發送欺騙性無線電信號和假情報,把部隊部署成迷惑敵人的陣勢。