
mislay vt.把(東西)誤放;擱忘;丟失。


And as they wended their way by nelson s pillar , henry street , mary street , capel street , little britain street , chanting the introit in epiphania domini which beginneth surge , illuminare and thereafter most sweetly the gradual omnes which saith de saba venient they did divers wonders such as casting out devils , raising the dead to life , multiplying fishes , healing the halt and the blind , discovering various articles which had been mislaid , interpreting and fulfilling the scriptures , blessing and prophesying 發光” 601為首句的“將祭經”上主顯現, 602接著又無比甜美地唱著圣歌“示巴的眾人” 603 。他們行著各種神跡:諸如驅逐污靈,使死者復活,使魚變多,治好跛子和盲人。 604還找到了種種遺失物品,闡釋并應驗圣經中的話,祝福并做預言。

In the last year almost 150 , 000 items have been left on tubes , buses and taxis , with mobile phones and books among the most - mislaid articles 去年之中約有15萬項物品被遺忘在倫敦的地鐵、巴士與計程車上,其中手機和書都列入最常遺失的物品之中。

The customer shall notify the bank immediately on discovering that any orders or instruments supplied to him by the bank have been stolen , lost or mislaid 客戶若發現任何由本行向其提供之付款指示或其他票據被竊遺失或誤置,須立即通知本行。

Laura henderson : well i didn ' t mislay him ! it was most inconsiderate of robert to die . what on earth am i supposed to do now 蘿拉:又不是我把他弄丟的!羅柏就這樣一走了之真是沒天良。留下我一個人現在怎麼辦?

Are security measures in place to prevent mislaid quotations and unauthorised release of information 有否安全措施防止報價單遺失或資料外泄?

To be sure , he always mislays everything , said the countess “看你,總是丟三落四的。 ”伯爵夫人說。

Perhaps i have only mislaid it 或許,我只是將它放錯了位置。

I have mislaid my key to the door 我不知道把門鑰匙放到哪里了。

How do you find a thing you have mislaid or forgotten 你如何找回你已經錯失或遺忘的東西哩?

He mislaid his principles in the drive for success 他為了成功而拋棄了原則。

Mr. samgrass replied with such glibness and at such length, telling me of mislaid luggage . 桑格拉斯先生卻油嘴滑舌,事無巨細地告訴我們說行李如何被錯放了。

Very preoccupied, he got into his train, mislaid his ticket . 上火車時,他又是心不在焉,連車票都差點兒找不到。

I mislaid my english textbook . 我不知把英語課本丟在哪兒了。