
misjudge vt.,vi.1.判斷錯,看錯。2.低估,輕視。短語和例...


The secretary for home affairs tried to defend the government . in my view the attorney general , hon michael thomas made the best speech . he said “ this council is the ultimate safeguard if the government were to misjudge what is politically acceptable in hong kong 我告訴年青的朋友們,如果你相信你是言中有物,而不是陳腔濫調,也不是為講話而講話,而且在表達你的心聲,你會充滿信心的。

Jane , my little darling so i will call you , for so you are , you don t know what you are talking about ; you misjudge me again : it is not because she is mad i hate her “簡,我的小寶貝,我會這么叫你,因為你確實是這樣,你不了解你談的事兒,你又錯怪我了。我恨她并不是因為她發了瘋。

If the car comes off the track because the driver has misjudged a braking point or is struggling with a technical fault , the run - off zone acts as a sort of emergency brake 如果一輛賽車因為車手錯誤判斷了剎車點或者遭遇了技術上的故障而沖出了賽道,緩沖區就扮演了類似緊急剎車的作用。

I hope in this incident , that legco members have not misjudged public sentiment nor have they lost a valuable chance to discuss a very important subject in the community 我們最大的分別就是他動議的實際效果是會窒礙討論,我亦不希望議員們錯誤掌握民意錯失了一個很寶貴的討論機會。

The emperor valens dies at the battle of adrianople when he misjudges the strength and resolution of the goths . the goths are being driven into roman territory by the huns 羅馬皇帝瓦林斯由于錯誤估計哥特人的力量和決心,在阿德里安堡戰役中犧牲。哥特人是被匈奴人趕入羅馬境內的。

Sometimes , it s very difficult for ordinary people to judge others . we have to be very careful distinguishing between good and bad . otherwise , we always misjudge 所以有時候,我們凡夫很難判斷別人,要很細心,才能夠知道好壞,不然的話,我們多數都弄錯,看別人殺人:喔!

Misjudging the number of permits , in contrast , could send permit priceseither skywards or through the floor , with immediate , and costly , economicconsequences 相比之下,如果對行政許可發放數量判斷失誤,就會造成許可價格忽高忽低,引發直接的,昂貴的經濟后果。

Except i dreaded the vexation from the enemy ; lest their adversaries misjudge ; lest they say , our hand is exalted , and it is not jehovah who has wrought all this 27但我怕仇敵惹我發怒,恐怕他們的敵人誤斷,說,是我們的手有能力,并非耶和華行了這一切。

If there are water drops or other sticky things on the touch screen , the screen may misjudge the touches , which may cause the in accuracy of the screen 觸摸屏表面有水滴或其它軟的東西粘在表面,觸摸屏誤判有手觸摸造成表面聲波屏不準,將其清除即可

Rating agencies badly misjudged default rates in subprime mortgages and are now having to downgrade reams of securities linked to them 那些評估公司很錯誤的估計了次級房貸的破產率,目前必須將一系列的與這房貸有關的債券進行降級。

But it is detected mostly by eyes at present , and depends so much on operators ’ skill , so misjudging happens frequently 通常使用的目視譜線檢測方法很大程度上依賴于操作人員的熟練水平,誤判率高,工作繁雜。

On some occasions when the calf surfaced , it seemed to misjudge the air water boundary and shoot its head too far out of the water 有時幼豚浮上水面的時候,往往把頭伸得太高,好像錯誤估計海面的高度似的。

If this was the case , the russians had severely misjudged the sophistication of the new d branch team they are facing 如果情況確系如此,那么俄國人就大大地錯估了他們所面對的d處新班子的高明程度。

Her face fell , and he went on hastily . “ don t misjudge me . i am not going in this time with any iridescent ideas 她的臉色陰沉下來,他急忙說下去, “不要誤會,這一回我可不寫那些閃光的東西了。

About 45 % of all crashes in america occur at crossroads , often because of misjudged left turns 美國約有45 %的交通事故都發生在十字路口,其中很多是司機在轉彎時的左轉失誤所致。

Discussions about the judgment and investigation and affixation of responsibility for misjudged cases made by principal procurators 論主訴檢察官錯案責任的判斷與追究

“ nay , “ said the tiger , “ i misjudged my enemy . it was that unbeatable man over there ! “不, ”老虎說, “我錯誤地判斷了我的敵人,是那邊那個不可戰勝的人打敗了我。 ”

No matter what , if your god misunderstood / misjudged you , it is time to have thy rolled away 狀態離線無論如何,如果你的上帝令你誤會或誤會了你,叫?滾遠點

Foundations for establishing a system investigating and affixing responsibility for misjudged cases in china 構建我國錯案責任追究制度的立論基礎