
misinterpret vt.曲解,誤釋,誤譯。n.-pretation ,-p...


There is something brave in your spirit , as well as penetrating in your eye ; but allow me to assure you that you partially misinterpret my emotions 你的精神中有一種勇氣,你的眼睛有一種穿透力,可是請允許我向你保證,你部份誤解了我的情感。

Do not use multiline comments within the conditional compilation blocks since engines that do not support conditional compilation may misinterpret them 不要在條件編譯塊中使用多行注釋,因為不支持條件編譯的引擎可能會對其作出錯誤解釋。

And humor is in the eye of the beholder . it is commonly misinterpreted . many people will not get the joke . your market size just shrunk again 幽默在于觀看者的眼中。它經常會被誤解。很多人感受不到其中的搞笑成份。你的市場只能繼續縮減。

“ evidently my anger and disappointment at conceding a goal so late into the game was aimed at the players and misinterpreted “很明顯,我的怒氣和不滿都是針對球員在比賽的最后時刻讓對手打進一球的表現。但是很不幸,我被誤會了。 ”

You utterly misinterpret my words , i said , at once seizing his hand : i have no intention to grieve or pain you - indeed , i have not “你完全誤解了我的話, ”我立刻抓住他的手說, “我無意讓你難受或痛苦真的,我沒有這個意思。 ”

In cases where the character might cause the xml parser to misinterpret the document structure , use the entity instead of typing the character 如果字符可能會使xml分析器錯誤地解釋文檔結構,請使用實體,而不要鍵入字符。

One way to write your code to avoid misinterpreting escaped braces and format items is to format the braces and format item separately 在編寫代碼時,避免錯誤解釋轉義大括號和格式項的一種方法是單獨顯示大括號和格式項。

I think british men are rather shy , which is why i suspect that mary ? catherine is misinterpreting the behaviour of the boys she meets 我覺得英國男人表現得羞怯,所以我推測瑪麗?凱瑟琳也許誤解了她接觸到的男青年的行為。

The bible has been abused so much , misused , rejected , abandoned , or misinterpreted . it has become , for some , a tragic basis for superstition 至于從圣經,圣經過份被濫用誤用拒絕遺棄錯誤解讀,它幾乎成了迷信的根基

In insurance parlance , the term “ all marine risks “ is liable to be misinterpreted and its use should be avoided in letters of credit 按保險的說法, “一切海洋運輸貨物險“條款容易被誤解,應避免在信用證中使用。

If characters such as blanks and punctuation are passed in an http stream , they might be misinterpreted at the receiving end 如果在http流中傳遞空白和標點之類的字符,則它們在接收端可能會被錯誤地解釋。

Option one : did the supreme court misinterpret the fourteenth amendment in the cases from slaughterhouse to the turn of the century 選項一:最高法院在從屠宰場案到未20世紀初有否曲解了第十四修正案?

Inaccuracies in survey data attributable to the quality of responses , including lying , forgetting , or misinterpreting question 由被訪者回復質量(如:撒謊,遺忘,誤解問題等)而造成的調查數據偏差

Generally , the term & ; am quot; all marine risk am quot; is liable to be misinterpreted and its use should be avoided in l / c 一般地, “一切海洋運輸貨物險”容易被誤解,應該避免在信用證中使用。

Email is impersonal , easily misinterpreted and remembered , therefore not suitable for negative messages 伊妹兒本身不帶任何感情色彩,很容易被曲解并被記住,因此不適于傳遞帶否定色彩的信息。

Those ocular findings about vts often are misinterpreted and the diagnosis of vitreomacular traction syndrome often is missed 此癥在眼底的表現常被做錯誤的解釋,所以誤診的機會是很高的。

Generally , the term & quot; all marine risks & quot; is liable to be misinterpreted and its use should be avoided in l / c 一般地, “一切海洋運輸貨物險”容易被誤解,應該避免在信用證中使用。

However , the meaning of these artifacts can be misinterpreted if deeper layers of the culture are not understood 但是,如果文化的更加深刻的層數不被了解,這人工制品的意思可能就會誤譯。

Generally , the term “ all marine risks ” is liable to be misinterpreted and its use should be avoided in l / c 一般地, “一切海洋運輸貨物險”輕易智慧被誤解,應該避免在信用證中使用。