
misinform vt.誤傳,傳錯,報錯。n.-formation 誤傳,...


Ladies and gentlemen of the juryn019 . gif , exhibit number one is what the seraphs , the misinformed , simple , noble - winged seraphs , envied . look at this tangle of thorns 陪審團的女士們、先生們,第一件證物正是被六翼天使,那個誤傳的、簡單的、羽翼高貴的六翼天使所嫉妒的。且看這段糾纏不清的痛苦心史吧。

And by sowing distrust of the environmental science community with his rhetoric , lomborg has done a severe disservice not only to those scientists but also to the public he has misinformed 他以花言巧語挑撥大眾對環境科學社群的信任,不只嚴重傷害到科學家,社會大眾因他的錯誤訊息也得不到好處。

Do you think that at this moment people are getting too caught up in the details and that maybe they re misinformed or uninformed about the benefits of a gst 財政司司長:第一,我很歡迎今天有這個機會參加由工商專聯主辦及有傳媒機構合辦的研討會。

So that this doesn ? t lead to miscommunication or misinformed decisions , we suggest keeping a copy of this dictionary nearby 因此,為了不至于導致交流的誤解或決策的失誤,建議你的案頭備有一部本詞典。

- i told you , my father didn ' t have a gun . - oh , well , i guess we were misinformed -我告訴過你,我父親沒有槍-噢,好吧,我想可能我們的信息有誤

I told you , my father didn ' t have a gun . - oh , well , i guess we were misinformed 我告訴過你,我父親沒有槍-噢,好吧,我想可能我們的信息有誤

The day after the misinformed spokesman made the announcements he had to take them all back 發言人誤報消息的次日,他必須撤回所有的消息。

I didn ' t mean to answer you back , i merely meant to say that you had been misinformed 我并不想跟你頂嘴,我只是想說你聽到的話是搞錯了。

Anyone who believes jsf isn t extensible is misinformed (任何認為jsf不能擴展的人都是被誤導了!

38 religion is naive and misinformed 宗教只是人們幼稚和無知的表現。

I took no gold from any man . you are misinformed 我沒有從任何人那里搶走金子你被誤導了

I don ' t know who misinformed you , but please , come in 我不知道是誰誤導你,但是先請進

Don t misinform your doctor nor your lawyer 別向醫生和律師提供錯誤的消息。

Don ' t misinform your doctor or your lawyer 不要向醫生和律師提供錯誤的信息。