
mishap n.不幸的事,災難。 the haps and mish...


Mishaps are like knives , that either serve us or cut us , as we grasp them by the blade or the handle 災難象把刀,如果你抓住到柄,它能幫助你;如果你抓住刀刃,它會傷害你。

The boost to the world economy from china and india will last into the future , even allowing for mishaps 如果房價迫于高利率的壓力而下降的話,美國經濟可能陷入衰退。

Mishaps are like knives that either cut us or serve us as we grasp them by blade or the handle 災難就像刀子,握住刀柄就可以為我們服務,抓住刀刃則會被傷害。

Mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us as we grasp them by the handle or blade 災難就像刀子,握住刀柄就可以為我們服務,拿住刀刃則會割破手。

Br > we have been able to transship s . e . asian - bound cargoes from rail to ship at hongkong without mishap 我們在香港轉船去東南亞的貨物途中未曾遇到過麻煩事。

Mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us as we grasp them by the handle or blade 災難就像刀子,握住刀柄就可以為我服務,摹刀刃則會割破手。

We have been able to transship s . e . asian - bound cargoes from rail to ship at hongkong without mishap 我們在香港轉船去東南亞的貨物途中未曾遇到過麻煩事。

Eg . all the thought of the mishap his legs stiffened under him and couldn ' t move a step further 他一想到這場災難,兩腿就像有千斤重,再也挪不動一步了。

We have been able to tra hip s . e . asian - bound cargoes from rail to ship at hongkong without mishap 我們在香港轉船去東南亞的貨物途中未曾遇到過麻煩事。

We have been able to transship s . e . asian - bound cargoes from rail to ship at hongkong without mishap 我們在香港轉船去東南亞的貨物途中未曾遇到過麻煩事

Mishaps are like knives , that either serve us or cut us , as we grasp them by the blade or handle 事情總有兩個方面,關鍵看你著眼點、著手處是在哪里。

Perplexed by this strange mishap , he called me on the telephone to tell me what was happening 他在痛苦又奇怪的情況下,給我打了電話,內容是這樣的:

I will be responsible to handle such matters as the student ' s illness or any other mishaps 負責該生在校學習期間發生疾病和其他意外事故的處理工作。

A series of mishaps followed , as countries lurched into default or devaluation 當這些國家突然陷入違約危機和貨幣貶值后,一連串的災禍便接踵而至。

The most it can do is to help us earn more money , and avoid some minor mishaps 免得了一些小災難,今天明天還是應該補回,只是延后時間而已!

I should like to know if mr fogg foresaw this mishap in his programme 我現在倒很想知道福克先生對這件意外的事是不是也預先定在他的計劃里了。

Your claim shall be referred to the insurance company as the mishap occur after shipment 您的索賠應提交保險公司,因為損失發生在裝船之后。

The lakers also shook some life into their sunday nights , which had been a time of recent mishaps 其實湖人對這周日比賽并沒有十足的把握。

He hurt his knee during the football match , but this mishap didn ' t stop him from playing 足球比賽時他傷了膝蓋,可他并沒有因此中途退出。