
mishandle vt.1.用錯;瞎弄,亂弄。2.粗暴對待,虐待。3.辦錯...


There are many reasons : the first , there is no system of who rake the responsibility of public goods supply . the lower grade government such as country or village government can not take the responsibility because they have no sufficient capital and this become the main reason of deficiency of public goods supply . the second , the mishandling of the public capital and unreasonable government structure can not effectively fashion the public goods for farmers 其一,農村公共產品的供給責任劃分不當,責任下移,使供給責任主要由縣鄉政府和村級組織承擔,而縣鄉政府的財力匱乏和村級組織的資金短缺,成為公共產品供給不足的直接原因;其二,地方政府職能錯位、公共資金使用不當、機構設置不合理也使部分公共資金未能形成有效公共產品;其三,在眾多的原因中,造成這一問題的根本原因是我國長期以來形成的二元社會經濟制度。

Owing to the tight enemy blockade and to our mishandling of the petty bourgeoisie , trade between the two areas has almost entirely ceased ; necessities such as salt , cloth and medicines are scarce and costly , and agricultural products such as timber , tea and oil cannot be sent out , so that the peasants ' cash in come is cut off and the people as a whole are affected 因為敵人的嚴密封鎖和我們對小資產階級的處理失當這兩個原因,兩區幾乎完全斷絕貿易,食鹽、布匹、藥材等項日常必需品的缺乏和昂貴,木材、茶油等農產品不能輸出,農民斷絕進款,影響及于一般人民。

With the help of this unlikely tale , which madame duvernoy put about generally as an excuse for the mishandling of her own affairs , she succeeded in getting a thousand francs out of armand who did not believe a word of it but wanted to appear as though he did , such was his respect for anyone and anything that had once been close to his mistress 迪韋爾諾瓦太太到處散布這個無稽之談,作為她經濟困難的原因,她向阿爾芒要了一張一千法郎的鈔票,阿爾芒不相信她說的是真話,但是他寧愿裝作信以為真的樣子,他對一切和他情婦有過關系的人和事都懷有敬意。

On january 4 , 2001 , the shipper pleaded guilty in court on charges laid against him on the mishandling and was fined $ 4 , 500 . the lighters , which totalled 5 , 000 pieces with a value of $ 125 , 000 , were also confiscated . “ under the dangerous goods ( consignment by air ) ( safety ) regulations ( cap 在二一年一月四日,有關付運人在法庭承認不妥善處理危險品的控罪,被罰款四千五百元,而總值十二萬五千元的五千個打火機亦遭沒收。

Once the person that buy a house bought this kind of house , not only the estate right that cannot acquire a country to extend belongs to a proof , mishandle , and the legitimate rights and interests of the person that buy a house is unavailable also corresponding safeguard 購房人一旦購買了這種房屋,不但無法取得國家發放的房地產權屬證實,不能買賣,而且購房人的合法權益也無法獲得相應的保障。

In short , all efforts in the name of religion , or the mishandling of kundalini by so called realized people , can only activate the sympathetic nervous system ida and pingla . these activities cannot make any progress toward bringing about the play of parasympathetic sushumna 所有那些催眠所帶來的力量,諸如財富的力量控制群眾,帶來金錢,權力,名譽等超視覺能力drishti siddha語言能力

Yeomans shall not be liable for any damage caused by abrasive materials , chemicals , scale deposits , corrosion , lightning , improper electrical supply , mishandling , or other similar conditions 對于有下列因素造成的損失:研磨材料,化學物質,水垢沉淀,腐蝕物質,閃電,電源供應故障,違反操作規程的操作,或其它類似情況,美國約曼公司將不承擔任何責任。

Mr olmert is at least the prime minister of a functioning government , but thanks to his mishandling of last summer ' s lebanon war he is one of the least popular in israel ' s memory 相比之下,奧爾默特至少還是一個有效政府的總理,但由于他在去年黎巴嫩戰爭中犯下的失誤,他也是以色列歷史上支持率最低的總理之一。

We are particularly critical of various governmental offices and state enterprises about their liberty in collecting citizens ' personal data and their mishandling of the collected personal databases 我們尤其在意公務機關在?集、處理、利用個人資料上,是否已逾越必要目的,以及是否善盡其安全維護的責任。

Moreover with mishandling of chakras and kundalini due to the ignorance or greed of the teacher , the chance of realization for the aspirant can become very poor and sometimes impossible 同時,那些由于導師的無知和貪婪而受到傷害的人,他們的能量中心和靈量會受到破壞,將來得到自覺的希望變得很微。

The justice department ' s inspector general faulted the fbi for poor handling of money used in undercover investigations , which it said made the agency vulnerable to theft and mishandled invoices 美國司法部監察長譴責fbi對秘密調查經費管理不善,從而導致該機構經常發生盜用公款和亂開發票的事件。

Other specialists in the field make a strong case for certain types of exercise , but in our experience they are easily mishandled and can lead to more harm than good 這個領域的其他專家做了很多某種鍛煉的例子,但我們的經驗他們很容易過多鍛煉引起更多傷害而不是有利。

Other hazards such as fire , explosion , chemical burns , poisoning , and cold burns could occur if gases accidentally escape from the cylinder due to mishandling 如果由于誤操作氣體從鋼瓶內逸出,會發生其它危險,如起火、爆炸、化學燒傷、中毒和凍傷。

For example , automation in the semiconductor manufacturing process reduces the chance of contamination or mishandling of difficult - to - build high - value products 例如,半導體制造過程中的自動化就降低了難以生產的高價值產品的污染和誤操作的可能性。

A public opinion poll by cbs news says two - thirds of americans disapprove the house ( of how the ) president mishandling ( is handling ) the war 一項由cbs新聞進行的民眾調查顯示三分之二的美國人不同意總統現在這樣處理戰爭的方式。

Zhu yan , the new director , declined to say whether his predecessor , rong jun , was fired for mishandling the october sale 新上任的票務中心主任朱炎拒絕透露他的前任容軍是否因10月份門票銷售工作不力而遭免職。

The visa office is not responsible for the loss , damage , delay or mishandling of your passport and documents caused by the delivery services 因未按有關須知要求提交申請而造成旅行時間延誤,使領館概不負責。

Hanegbi , who heads the parliamentary foreign affairs and defense committee , also denies allegations that mr . olmert mishandled the war 同時作為國會外交事務部與國防部的領導, h也否認總理誤導了戰爭的斷言。

Issues of concern including offering and acceptance of illegal advantages , mishandling of confidential information and conflict of interest -常見問題,包括提供或收受非法利益、不當處理機密資料及利益沖突