
misgive vt.(misgave; misgiven ) 使疑惑[...


The author think that there are many misgiving in insurable interest of life insurance regulation as a whole of life insurance contract , so it is necessary to make the legislation perfect in theory and practice 另外,由于我國《保險法》對保險利益規范的不協調,導致人身保險利益同意原則未得到貫徹,限制了保險需求的滿足,因此進一步完善我國保險的相關立法,以充分貫徹人身保險利益同意原則是非常必要的。

She followed not all , a part of the whole , gave attention with interest , comprehended with surprise , with care repeated , with greater difficulty remembered , forgot with ease , with misgiving reremembered , rerepeated with error 她沒有全聽懂,只聽懂了其中一部分。興致勃勃地留神,驚奇地理解,細心地復誦,吃力地記下來,很容易地就忘掉,沒有把握地重新記起,重復時錯誤百出。

My mind misgives me much , said mr . lorry , angrily shaking a forefinger at him , that you have used the respectable and great house of tellson s as a blind , and that you have had an unlawful occupation of an infamous description “我心里很擔心呢, ”羅瑞先生伸出食指指著他, “擔心你使用受人尊重的了不起的臺爾森銀行作幌子去干很丟人的違法活動。

That he had anything to do with the concern , she could not tell , but because he happened to be looking in her direction her weakening heart misgave her and she hurried by , too overcome with shame to enter 她并不知道這個人與那家商號是否有關系,但是這人正巧朝她的方向看,她被一種羞愧壓倒了,立刻心虛地打退堂鼓,急急忙忙走開了。

Meanwhile the muslined form of tess could be seen standing still , undecided , beside this turnout , whose owner was talking to her . her seeming indecision was , in fact , more than indecision : it was misgiving 就在那個時候,看得見穿細紗布衣服的苔絲形體在馬車旁邊靜靜地站著,神情上猶猶豫豫的,馬車的主人正在同她說話。

As mr . lorry received these confidences , and as he watched the face of his friend now sixty - two years of age , a misgiving arose within him that such dread experiences would revise the old danger 羅瑞先生聽著推心置腹的密談,望著現已六十二歲的朋友的臉,不禁擔心起來,害怕這種恐怖的經歷會引發往日那危險的疾病。

Strange , isnt it , general ? he said , obviously without the slightest misgiving that this remark could be other than agreeable to the russian , since it afforded a proof of his , napoleons , superiority over alexander 他說道,看來他不懷疑他說的話不能取悅對方,因為他說的話能夠證明他拿破侖比亞歷山大更高明。

Drouet jumped from one easy thought to another as he caught hurstwood s eye . he felt but very little misgiving , until he saw that hurstwood was cautiously pretending not to see 杜洛埃的目光與赫斯渥相遇以后,并沒有在意,仍在輕松地想這想那,直到他發現赫斯渥故意裝著沒看見他,才有點擔心起來。

I am sure there is a future state ; i believe god is good ; i can resign my immortal part to him without any misgiving . god is my father ; god is my friend : i love him ; i believe he loves me 我可以毫無憂慮地把我不朽的部分托付給他,上帝是我的父親,上帝是我的朋友,我愛他,我相信他也愛我。 ”

Her misgiving was such that at dusk , when the milking was over , she walked in the garden alone , to continue her regrets that she had disclosed to him her discovery of his considerateness 她心里非常不安,到了傍晚,她擠完了奶,就獨自走進園子里,繼續后悔不該暴露自己發現了他對她的照顧。

In the outermost room were half a dozen exceptional people who had had , for a few years , some vague misgiving in them that things in general were going rather wrong 它扭曲了隨侍大人的每一個人。在最外層的屋子里有那么六七個與眾不同的人若干年來就模糊地感到不安,認為總的說來形勢不妙。

But we always own a self little world , be needless what to miss , not needing misgiving , what , feels happy laughing at right away , impairment of the heart will cry within this world 而我們總擁有一個自己的小小的世界,在這個世界里,不用想什么,不要顧慮什么,開心就笑,傷心就哭。

The sensation experienced by franz was evidently not peculiar to himself ; another , and wholly uninterested person , felt the same unaccountable awe and misgiving 弗蘭茲的感覺顯然不是他自己所特有的了,因為另外一個人,一個完全無關的局外人,也同樣感到了這種不可思議的畏懼和疑慮。

However , as the moment for the girl s setting out drew nigh , when the first excitement of the dressing had passed off , a slight misgiving found place in joan durbeyfield s mind 不過,姑娘動身的時刻越來越近了,當初梳妝打扮的興奮一消失,瓊德北菲爾德太太的心里就出現了一陣擔憂。

Connie pondered this . she began again to have some misgiving about her gag away . after all , was she not giving her man the go - by , if only for a short time 康妮把這些話思量著,她對于她到威尼斯去的事,又開始有點疑懼起來,實在說來,她不是故意要躲避她的愛人么?

“ i tell you what , sir franz , “ cried albert , “ you deserve to be called out for such a misgiving and incredulous glance as that you were pleased to bestow on me just now . “我的好人, ”阿爾貝說, “你剛才瞪了我一眼,意思大概是要我給你一個滿意的答復吧。 ”

Hurstwood looked into her pretty face , crossed with little shadows of wonder and misgiving , and thought he had never seen anything more lovely 赫斯渥看著她的美麗的臉龐,那上面浮現著一絲驚異和擔心。他覺得他從來沒有見過比這更可愛的東西了。

The oblong white ceiling , with this scarlet blot in the midst , had the appearance of a gigantic ace of hearts . mrs brooks had strange qualms of misgiving 在長方形的白色天花板中間,有一個紅色的小點出現在上面,看上去就像一張巨大的紅桃a 。

The town ' s poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any . may be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving 城鎮中的窮人,我看,倒往往是過著最獨立不羈的生活。也許因為他們很偉大,所以受之無愧。