
misfortune n.1.背運,倒霉,不幸;災難,災禍。2.私生子;生私生...


I felt it a misfortune that i was so little, so pale, and had features so irregular and so marked . 我覺得自己長得那么矮小,那么蒼白,五官長得那么不端正,那么特征顯著,真是一種不幸。

I drilled him as representing in turn all sorts of people out of luck and suffering dire privations and misfortune . 我訓練他的方法是叫他輪流看代表各種各類的時運不濟,受盡苦難的人。

The young fellow playing the viola had the misfortune to turn over two pages at once, and the resulting confusion . 拉中提琴的年輕小伙子倒了霉,一下翻過去兩頁,這么一來就亂套了。

He could perceive distinctly how everyone's misfortunes but his own were expressions of god's will . 他能清楚地看到,所有人遭到的不幸都是上帝意志的反映,唯獨他自己的另當別論。

I had the misfortune to call attention to myself, that's all, when the boss man was looking for someone . 上頭要找一個合適的人,我正好倒霉,給看中了,就是這么回事。

As git often said, his great misfortune turned out to be the source of all his subsequent prosperity . 正如吉特常常說的,他的最大不幸反而成了他后來一切興旺的源泉。

I found the slender young thing bent to the earth, like an unfortunate creature borne down by misfortune . 我看見這棵細弱的小樹彎到地上,好象一個走背運的可憐人。

Trina even fancied that old miss baker had come to be less cordial since their misfortune . 屈麗娜甚至認為打從他們家敗落以來,老貝格小姐對他們也不怎么熱誠了。

I come now to the relation of a misfortune which about this time befell mrs. john dashwood . 現在,我且來講述大約在這時降臨到約翰達希伍德太太頭上的災禍。

She was a conceited, boastful old thing, and even misfortune could not humble her . 她是一個自高自大、愛說大話的老東西,連不幸的遭遇都不能使她謙卑一點。

If i spilt the salt, i should toss a pinch over my left shoulder to ward off misfortune . 如果我把鹽弄撒了,我就得拾起一撮鹽從左臂上扔過去以避免災禍。

He has come hundreds of miles to succor him, when he heard of his friend's misfortune ! 他聽到了朋友的不幸,立即跋涉千山萬水,要來拯救他!

If miss catherine had the misfortune to marry him, he would not be beyond her control . 如果凱瑟琳小姐不幸嫁給他,他不會不聽她的指揮的。

They could not have understood why it was, in the end, a crushing misfortune for poe . 他們無法理解為什么它到頭來卻成了坡的致命的不幸。

I loaded myself with reproaches on his account and i bewailed his misfortunes . 為了他的緣故,我只有責備自己,我悲嘆他的不幸。

It is my misfortune and habit to think of myself paramount to anybody else . 我的不幸和習慣就是認為自己總比任何人都高出一頭。

His misfortune made him more interesting, and even helped him to be the fashion . 他的厄運使他更受人關注,甚至使他成了紅人。

She had her own misfortunes to bewail as well as those of her daughter . 她跟她女兒一樣,也有她自己的苦經,需要哭訴一番。

She has had many misfortunes in her life but she always bounces back . 她一生中經歷過許多挫折,然而總是能重新振作起來。