
misfit n.不適合;不合身的衣著;不容易適應環境的人。vt.,v...


In order to improve the properties of materials , one needs to understand the structural relationship between interface and matrix of the materials , such as interface atomic structure , misfit dislocation , chemical bond structure , stress field distribution , composition segregation etc . there are tremendous research works on the grain boundary and interface structures during last century and the sophisticated theory about grain boundary and interface , i . e . coincidence site lattice and 0 - lattice theories had been developed simultaneously 眾所周知,材料的宏觀性質是由其微觀結構所決定的,因此,為了改善材料的宏觀性能我們有必要弄清楚材料的界面與基體之間的結構關系,如界面的原子結構、失配位錯、化學鍵合、應力場的分布等等。在上世紀,人們已對晶界和相界面結構進行了大量的研究,同時,相關的理論如“重位點陣”和“ o -點陣”理論也發展成熟。

Building external shading calculation method is put forward based energy consumption simulation results in the standards of hot summer and warm winter zone ( jgj75 - 2003 ) and design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings ( gb 50189 - 2005 ) , but it aims at simple fixed external shading and misfits complicated shading devices , so the validity and rationality of regulation don ’ t gain validation 盡管《夏熱冬暖地區居住建筑節能設計標準》 ( jgj75 - 2003 )和《公共建筑節能設計標準》 ( gb50189 - 2005 )提出了建筑外遮陽系數的計算方法,但只是根據建筑能耗模擬軟件的模擬結果得出的,且只能針對簡單的固定外遮陽,不適合復雜的建筑遮陽形式,因此規定的有效性和合理性并沒有得到驗證。

With the applications of the new method , the weight matrix of observations can be dealt with dynamically while without losing the merits of the traditional ones , and the time correlation can be taken into account in real time when computing the weight matrix , which overcome the problem of time misfit between observations and forecasts 隨后,本文應用理論模型數據和模擬觀測數據進行了并行試驗,將動態插值算法應用到渤海海表溫度場的計算中,同化結果兼顧理論模型結果和模擬觀測結果,在方差意義上顯示出最優特性,驗證了本文所提出的方法改進的正確性。

Ever since the 1997 asia financial crisis , especially after the september 11th terrorist attack and argentina financial turmoil , international economic and financial plight has been increasingly subject to the potential dishevelment . although great achievements have been made in the chinese financial reform and innovations in chinese banking systems , problems still exist and prevail . moreover , china ' s economic transition and its misfit at the initial stage of wto membership are very likely to further catalyze the occurrence of banking risks 11 ”事件及阿根廷金融危機后,國際經濟、金融形勢日趨嚴峻,盡管我國金融體制改革、銀行制度變革取得了一些成就,但國有商業銀行存在的問題依然很多,經濟體制轉軌和入世初期的不適應,進一步加大了銀行風險發生的可能性,金融風險和危機問題對我國來說已經十分現實,威脅就在身邊。

When made covariance matrix , the observational data were always treated as one group without considering the time misfit , which did not match the true situation . in this thesis not only the distance , but also the time correlation was taken into account when constructed the covariance matrix , the observational data being treated differently according to its obtaining time and the weight , big or small , being assigned to differently according to its time correlation , strong or weak . all that done mentioned above made the application of data be closer to practical situation 在確定協方差矩陣的時候,以往的做法是將所有不同觀測時刻的數據當作同一時刻的數據應用;本文在形成協方差矩陣時,不僅考慮空間相關,而且應用了時間相關,對觀測數據的應用依照其得到時間的不同分別處理到協方差矩陣的建立中,并根據其在時間上的相關強弱給予不同的權重值,使得對觀測數據的應用更接近實際情況。

There is no consideration of time misfit in traditional optimal interpolation . in this thesis , some researches were done on the methodology of optimal interpolation , in which a new form of the formulae was developed that named dynamic optimal interpolation , the time correlation being introduced 本文首先推導了既考慮空間相關,又考慮時間相關的最優插值算法,由于應用了時間相關的協方差矩陣,就使這個算法具有動態處理時間錯位的觀測數據的能力。

In a chapter on cancer , for instance , his description of how the cells operate contains this starling analogy : “ in the community of living tissues , the uncontrolled mob of misfits that is cancer behaves like a gang of perpetually wilding adolescents 比如說,在關于癌癥的那一章里,他對細胞的活動作了這樣驚人的類比: “在活細胞組織中,癌癥就像是那些與社會格格不入的不受控制的暴民,他們的行為就像是一幫永遠叛逆不羈的青少年。

Kuankuan , however , is only a series of colorful characters his aunt meets in her modern odyssey in a rapidly changing metropolis . they are at once prototypes in the modern city in china as well as perennial prototypes : the misfit , the dilettante , and the underdog 無論如何,這些僅僅是在迅速變化的都市中姨媽有趣詼諧的遭遇,姨媽的原型遍布中國現代化城市,那些不合時宜的,業馀的文藝愛好者和那些失敗的人們。

The aestheticians thereby abandoned art to the hands of the art establishment , art dealers , impostors , cranks and all kinds of misfits who made art their heritage but without there being any art there at all 美學家們于是就把藝術扔到了藝術機構、藝術品經銷商、濫竽充數者、耍洋相之輩以及全部種類的不稱其職的人的手里,他們把藝術搞成了自家的囊中之物,但在那里任是什么藝術也不存在。

During world war ii a special fighting unit is formed combining a crack canadian outfit and a conglomeration of us army misfits previously serving time in military jails 以二次大戰期間有名的第一特戰軍團的英勇事跡為藍本,描述由威廉荷頓飾演的陸軍中校使用嚴厲、殘忍的手段訓練他的兵團,企圖使他們成為令人敬畏且戰斗能力驚人的軍團。

Interestingly , the group of students being trained in defense against the dark arts by harry , which calls itself dumbledore ' s army , also consists of a rather motley group of misfits and unlikely heroes 有趣的是,自稱為鄧布利多軍的,由哈利進行黑魔法防御術訓練的學生組織也由一群魚龍混雜的,不太合適的,不太可能成為英雄的人組成。

Willard is a social misfit who is made fun of by his co - workers . when he is squeezed out of the company started by his deceased father , his only friends become a couple of rats he s been raising at home 過了三十年過街老鼠般受人離棄的生活,維納終于遇上了他的知音人:蘇格拉底,一只寄居于維納家中地庫的白老鼠和它的一大群同族。

More precisely , it is the age - old tale of two loners misfits and their bonding , even though for most parts they appear to be from different galaxies . adapted faithfully from its hyperactive shojo manga origin , this is 深田為養起一身娃娃裝束,在網上拍賣冒牌貨,土屋聞風而至,天使型與地獄式的少女發展出不可思議的姊妹情。

The result of this intentional misfit of content and convention is unbelievably powerful that greatly intensifies the comical effect of many scenes . story - wise , the focus is placed on eric tsang and his three partners 充滿黑色幽默的喜劇感就正是透過這種兩極化的沖突帶出,效果突出,在近年的港產片也可算是無出其右。

In a world of terrorist attacks , random bombings , and multiplying militias , these brilliant young misfits are thrown together in an experimental group home for troubled youth ? a place they call the ark 在這個戰亂頻仍、炮彈四竄、軍人駐扎的世界?堙a一個名叫方舟的實驗機構收容了一群與社會格格不入的青年。

The scene after joon - ha joined the army seems to be a forced tragedy . it is quite distracting as it seems a misfit to the banal events in the first half of the film and it also reminds me of 說句實話,此片兩個愛情故事都很老土,格局甚至有點像郭在容在我的野蠻女友內一再戲瘧的舊片rain shower 。

With a substantial budget and a recognised cast , he deftly spins a delectably droll comedy about a pair of misfit conmen who tries to defraud the residents of a kyushu port town 本片二次大戰時開拍上映,軍國主義還未落畫。劇本雖獲政府通過,但若拍得太正經,只會變成激勵人民為國增產的國策電影。

During world war ii a special fighting unit is formed combining a crack canadian outfit and a conglomeration of us army misfits previously serving time in military jails 描述由威廉荷頓飾演的陸軍中校使用嚴厲、殘忍的手段訓練他的兵團,企圖使他們成為令人敬畏且戰斗能力驚人的軍團。

Z . zhang and w . geng , “ direct observation of misfit dislocations at the interface between a decagonal quasicrystal and its epitaxial crystalline layers “ , phil . mag . lett . , 65 ( 1992 ) 211 - 218 “十面體準晶與其表面晶體之間界面失配位錯的直接觀察” , , (英國)