
misfire n.(槍等的)不發火,射不出;(內燃機的)不著火。vi....


It shows that the network , affected by stream of water , superposes each other leading to the jet of detonator energy cavity and metal fragments which can break the nonel - tube without transmitting detonation yet , so as to make the detonation transmission in some local network break off and bring about misfire 結果表明,受紊亂水流影響,導爆管網絡相互疊加,比較凌亂,致使傳爆雷管產生的聚能射流和碎片容易將尚未傳爆的導爆管切斷或打破,而使局部網路爆轟傳遞中斷,造成拒爆現象的發生。

This company produces the multi - purpose microcomputer electrothermal furnaces ( fission type electricity wok ) and the court music stove ( light wave stove ) primarily , may use each kind of flat - bottomed pan to have , smokeless , misfires , the radio magnetic wave radiation , conforms to the international sanitation standard , is the new security environmental protection kitchen utensil , this product uses germany core technologies , undergoes the multiple lethality experiment , durable , the reasonable price , is the host who the present will replace the electromagnetic oven hits the product , now develops many kinds of models the product 本公司以生產多功能微電腦電熱爐(分體式電炒鍋)和雅樂爐(光波爐)為主,可以使用各種平底鍋具,無煙、無火、無電磁波輻射,符合國際衛生標準,是新型安全環保廚房用具,該產品采用德國核心技術,經過多次毀壞性試驗,經久耐用,價格合理,是今后代替電磁爐的主打產品,現在研制出多種型號的產品。

The results show that the switch operates more steadily at trigger mode than at self - breakdown mode and its operating voltage range is related to such factors as the position of the trigger pin and gas pressure . it ' s also revealed that the switch has excellent operating characteristics , expecially low jitter and low misfire rate , when it operates at about eighty percent of self - breakdown voltage 研究結果表明:開關在自擊穿工作下的工作穩定性遠小于觸發工作時,開關工作范圍與觸發針位置和氣壓等因素有關;開關電壓選擇在自擊穿電壓的大約80 %時,開關抖動小、誤觸發率低,具有較好的工作特性。

Cylinder dryer is a dind of rotatin continuous drying equipment with internal heating conducting - style , certain thickness of materials film theres to the lower trough of materials under the rotating cylinder . heat is transferred to the internal wall of the cylinder through pipes and misfired ahain to the external wall and to materials film , to evaporate and damnify moisture in materials film so as to dry materials 滾筒干燥機是一種內加熱傳導型轉動連續干燥設備。旋轉的滾筒通過其下部料槽,粘附著一厚度的料膜。熱量通過管道輔送至滾筒內壁,傳導到滾筒外壁,再傳導給料膜,使料膜中的濕度得到蒸發、脫濕、使含濕份的物料得到干燥。

There was plenty of that to go around , but with mcgrady and yao misfiring and fumbling , the rockets could never sustain a second - half run at the timbewolves , with minnesota getting just enough in the last minutes to beat the rockets 90 - 84 , before 15 , 017 wednesday at target center 火箭上半場領先,但隨著姚明和麥蒂一次次的打鐵,他們在下半場沒法保持自己的進攻節奏,森林狼最后一分鐘內得到了足夠的分數,在鏢靶中心的15017名球迷面前以90 - 84拿下了比賽

2 . the principle that cylinder misfire is diagnosed using torsional vibration harmonic analysis is illustrated by calculation of vectorsummation . calculation and experiment show : low harmonic will increase highly and main harmonic will decrease little when one cylinder is misfiring 通過對扭振激勵的相對振幅矢量和的仿真和實驗研究,得到結論如下:如果柴油機發生單缸熄火故障,扭振低諧次幅值會大幅度增加,主簡諧會略有下降。

There is little question that having scored just three goals in their last seven league matches , glenn roeder ' s misfiring magpies will require the england international ' s attacking input to stand any chance of completing the season on a vaguely - positive note 幾乎沒有疑問的是,羅德近來不溫不火的紐卡還是希望歐文爭取一切可能在本賽季能夠投入比賽,雖然日期不能完全確定,紐卡在最近的7場比賽中僅進了三球。

He has now hit six in his last six games and with andriy shevchenko , the inexperienced salomon kalou and the unsettled shaun wright - phillips all misfiring , his importance to chelsea ' s drive for a third successive barclays premiership crown cannot be underestimated 最近六場比賽他已經打進了6個球,在舍甫琴科,卡勞,小賴特都啞火的情況下,他對于球隊三連冠的重要性不能忽視。

But not every dual fuel engine can achieve outstanding comprehensive results . generally , there are many problems such as misfire , backfire , knocking and sharply increased emissions of hc and co , which cucumber its application 但并不是所有的雙燃料發動機都能達到良好的綜合效果,如往往存在的失火、回火、爆震、 hc和co排放大大升高等問題,限制了它的推廣應用。

Simpleness and availability are important principles for engineering , base on the principles , a method was proposed by author two years ago that misfiring of diesel could be diagnosed using wavform parameter of torsional vibration 摘要簡單、有效一直是解決工程實踐問題的原則,本著這一原則,作者兩年前提出利用扭振波形參數進行柴油機單缸熄火故障診斷的方法。

Abstract : through analyses of the seven aspects such as the size of explosion abatement chamber , explosive , charge pressure , environment etc . , the misfire reasons of the nonel tube detonator are found and the relative solve methods are also given 文摘:從消爆氣室的大小、藥劑、壓藥壓力和環境等7個方面分析了導爆管雷管瞎火的原因,并探討了相應的解決方法。

3 . a method to convert the torsional vibration into individual cylinder combustion pressure using ims adaptive algorithm is putted forward . the position of misfire cylinder can pointed immediately using this method 熄火故障主要表現在作功沖程和正常情況不同,利用扭振信號辨識作功沖程壓力大小,不僅能夠診斷熄火缸的位置還能縱觀各個氣缸的作功情況。

Weapons will jam and misfire , cannons will seize up and explode as the field of conflict becomes strewn with the bodies of wounded and dying men , lacerated and dismembered by pike , bayonet and shot 在戰場上武器將會卡彈和不發火,大炮將會塞住而膛炸,甚至炸傷自己的士兵,遭到長槍、長矛、刺刀和子彈貫穿、切斷的手足,使整個戰場上尸橫遍野。

Weapons will jam and misfire , cannons will seize up and explode as the field of conflict becomes strewn with the bodies of wounded and dying men , lacerated and dismembered by pike , bayonet and shot 武器有可能塞住并啞火,加農炮有可能失靈并爆炸(或被炸毀) ,戰場上剩下受傷以及垂死的人,被當被長矛、刺刀還有子彈割裂或肢解。

In this paper , a new method of diagnosing cylinder misfire by using kurtosisness of torsional vibration is first introduced . kurtosisness is a parameter which is sensitive to pulse 這一思路提出的來源于:峭度對大幅值和脈沖類信號比較敏感,根據柴油機燃燒的特點,可以假設氣缸壓力在一個在循環中為一個脈沖激勵。

Chelsea midfielder joe cole has come out to defend misfiring team - mate andrei shevchenko , with the ukrainian having come under increased pressure following another disappointing display at the weekend 切爾西中場喬科爾已經出面為低迷的隊友舍甫琴科辯護,周末令人失望的表現讓烏克蘭人的壓力倍增。

The link and explosion transmission of non - electric detonator network were analyzed and the cause of misfire during underwater reef blasting with the network was found out 摘要分析了非電導爆管起爆網絡的連接和傳爆過程,找出了采用該起爆網絡進行水下炸礁時,炮孔裝藥產生拒爆的原因。

Nevertheless , hcci also has its drawbacks . it is prone to misfire at the low engine load and knock at the high load . the operating range of hcci is narrow 但hcci發動機也存在著低負荷容易失火、高負荷容易爆震、工況范圍狹窄、碳氫化合物和一氧化碳排放高等缺點。

For all her talents , the former first lady is not new - and leaning on her husband ' s popularity whenever her campaign misfires underlines the fact 盡管她才華橫溢,但這位前第一夫人并非新面孔;并且,只要其競選活動失勢,她便會借助其丈夫的人氣,也突顯了這一事實。