
misfeasance n.犯罪,違法;【法律】不法行為,濫用職權。


The most serious defect of 51st article in contract law is when owner refuses to admit , the contract is not valid , therefore , the person of “ no right to dispose “ only bears the responsibility of concluding misfeasance , which conflicts with “ incapability of fulfillment “ and responsibility of guaranteeing the defects in the right 51條的最大缺陷:當權利人不追認或未取得處分權時,合同無效,無處分權人只承擔締約過失責任,賠償信賴利益損失,對善意相對人保護不周;且與履行不能與瑕疵擔保責任構成了沖突。

1 ) the article deals with the objective aspect of the official crime which is the dereliction of duty embodied by the inevitably connection between the act and duty . 2 ) it illustrates the object of the crime , namely , the state management . 3 ) it points out the subjective aspect that is intent or misfeasance . 4 ) it studies the subject that is the national public servant 職務犯罪的客觀方面表現為犯罪行為與職務之間的必然聯系即“行為的瀆職性” 。接著,文章又揭示了職務犯罪的犯罪客體? ?國家對公務的管理職能。再次,文章分析了職務犯罪的主觀方面? ?故意或過失。

As to the law basic , the thesis analyses it from two main aspects : the foundation of contract law and the foundation of tort law . the foundation of cl is supported by theories of contract - breaking responsibility and misfeasance responsibility in contracting ; the foundation of tl is the civil tort liability and it gives the analysis to the causation and the principle of imputation when the civil tort liability is tenable 對證券交易民事責任的法律根據,本文主要從合同法基礎和侵權法基礎兩方面進行分析,其中,合同法基礎就在于違約民事責任理論和締約過失責任理論,而侵權法基礎則為侵權民事責任理論,并對作為侵權民事責任成立基礎的因果關系和歸責原則進行剖析。

First , we accountant should enhance recognization ; second , the internal control system for the related party transactions by listed companies should be established and improved ; lastly a legal system should be established to punish the misfeasance 因此加強內部審計是必要而又可行的。 3 .從證券監管部門的角度來進行規范。應加大對關聯交易信息披露違規行為的處罰力度,建立必要的申訴制度。

It consists of subjective intention or great misfeasance of identifier , illegal identification , result of damages , causality between illegal identification and result of damages 鑒定人主觀上有故意或重大過失、違法鑒定行為、損害結果、違法鑒定行為與損害結果有因果關系,是這一侵權責任的構成要件。

Otherwise , the number of wild cats increases so fast that incurring dissatisfaction from other resident in the same block , which belongs to misfeasance of cat - lovers 否則,像現在,野貓過量繁殖,引起其他居民的非議,不能不說是愛貓人士們的過失。

He added that any possible frauds , misfeasance and theft by either employers or employees would be referred to police for investigations 他補充說,任何雇主或員工如涉及詐騙、不適當地使用及竊取破產欠薪保障基金,均會由警方跟進調查。

“ any possible fraud , misfeasance and theft by employers and employees will immediately be referred to police for investigations , “ he added 他說:任何涉及雇主及雇員的詐騙、行為不當及偷竊個案都會交由警方調查。

This website reserves the rights to take any actions it considers appropriate to correct the above - mentioned misfeasance 如有發生,本網站享有為消除影響而采取適當措施的權利。

On administrative misfeasance 論行政失職

On forms of misfeasance responsibility in contracting 論締約過失責任的責任形式