
misery n.苦難,不幸;苦痛,疼痛;慘狀,悲慘的境遇;貧窮。 M...

misery index

The hands, however, made no such allowances or excuses as these for misery and rushton . 可是工人們仍然不能寬恕體諒瘟神和拉什頓。

This book was a great consolation to me at a period full of paroxysms and misery . 在充滿動亂和災難的時期,這本書是我莫大的安慰。

Did he have an idea of the wild passion which burst forth from despair and misery ? 他理解人們因絕望和苦難而爆發出的狂熱盛情嗎?

My father has lived amidst human sin and misery without believing in them . 我父親生活在人類的罪惡和痛苦之中,而他自己還不相信。

Did he have an idea of the wild passion which burst forth from despair and misery ? 他理解人們因絕望和苦難而爆發出的狂熱感情嗎?

Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless with misery . 他雖是個孩子,卻已被饑餓和痛苦逼得不顧一切,鋌而走險。

After a year of misery here , i am finally shaking the dust of this town off my feet . 我在這個市鎮受了一年罪,總算離開這里了。

In the old society, the labouring people lived in the depth of misery and poverty . 在舊社會,勞動人民生活在苦難貧困的深淵中。

His personal popularity was more important to barras than the misery of his son . 對巴拉斯說來,個人的名望比兒子的痛苦更重要。

All my seeming prosperity wore off, and ended in misery and destruction . 我一切可能的幸福全消磨去了,消滅在痛苦和破毀之中。

He traces all the miseries and discontents of life to insatiable selfishness . 他把人生一切苦難和不滿都歸咎于不知足的自私。

Impure novels have brought and are bringing much misery on the world . 不潔的小說已經給世界帶來不幸,還將帶來更多的不幸。

I'll put the old devil out of his misery right now and get it over with . 我就現在使這老家伙永遠解除折磨,干脆了事。

She went into her room, and sank down in despair and utter misery . 她回到自己屋里,倒在椅子里,絕望傷心到了極點。

Amid so many private and public miseries he continued calm . 雖然遭遇到如此之多公與私的不幸事件,他仍然保持鎮靜。

The years of misery had left scars that were slow to heal . 多少年來的痛苦所留下的創痕卻要很慢地才能平復。

You've owned that it would probably end in misery for us . 你已經承認了,這件事結果也許會給咱們帶來苦惱。

The years of misery had left scars that were slow to heal . 多少年來的痛苦所留下的創痕要慢慢地才能平復。

He was so homesick that he could hardly endure the misery of it . 他非常想家,簡直有些受不了這種苦惱。