
miserly adj.吝嗇的;小氣的。


When a very miserly man nicknamed the “ stingy ghost “ died and went to hell , the yama king reproached him , saying , “ you stingy ghost ! when you were alive , you clung hard to everything and wouldn t give to anyone . even when you saw others in poverty and misery , you refused to offer them help 有一個人很吝嗇,叫吝嗇鬼,他死了以后下地獄,閻羅王罵他說:你這個吝嗇鬼,在塵間的時候什么東西都抓很緊不放,什么人都不給,看到貧窮痛苦的人也不幫助,父母親戚朋友也沒有照顧好,讓他們都挨餓受苦,你這種兇惡的業障,應該被放入滾開的油鍋里面。

Collins was not a sensible man , and the deficiency of nature had been but little assisted by education or society ; the greatest part of his life having been spent under the guidance of an illiterate and miserly father ; and though he belonged to one of the universities , he had merely kept the necessary terms , without forming at it any useful acquaintance 柯林斯先生并不是個通情達理的人,他雖然也受過教育,也踏進了社會,但是先天的缺陷卻簡直沒有得到什么彌補。他大部分日子是在他那守財奴的文盲父親的教導下度過的。他也算進過大學,實際上不過照例住了幾個學期,并沒有結交一個有用的朋友。

Buffett is donated in charity on all along miserly is engraved , be in actually the body be good at bright below the circumstance , contribute for commonweal career with one action gave breathtaking 37 billion dollar ( the 85 of the tycoon that he accumulates ) 巴菲特在慈善捐贈上一向嗇刻,竟然在身體健朗的情況下,為公益事業一舉捐出了驚人的370億美元(他積累的巨富的85 ) 。

Swiss tourists were commended for being quiet and considerate , unlike the britons who were judged to be the fifth worst tourists because of rude behavior , noise and a miserly attitude to tipping 瑞士游客不會大聲喧嘩,而且善于體諒他人,因而受到酒店經營者們的贊揚;而英國游客則因行為粗魯、喧嘩和吝嗇小費成為素質最差的第五大游客群。

Swiss tourists were commended for being quiet and considerate , unlike the britons who were judged to be the fifth worst tourists because of rude behavior , noise and a miserly attitude to tipping 瑞士游客不會大聲喧嘩,而且善于體諒他人,因而受到酒店經營者們的贊揚而英國游客則因行為粗魯喧嘩和吝嗇小費成為素質最差的第五大游客群。

Humor me , i like to live happy , i am more optimistic and i have numerous partners , i am a bit miserly , i do not lose friends , i do lust , i will invite you for coming here 我比較幽默,因此我喜歡快樂的活著,我比較開朗,因此我有眾多的伙伴,我比較吝嗇,因此我沒有喪失朋友,我比較好色,所以我才會在這里邀請閣下的光臨!

Her way of life was mean and miserly , but she did not know it . she thought she lived frugally in her middle years so that she could live in comfort and ease when she most needed peace of mind 她的生活寒愴吝嗇,而她不自知。她以為她中年過的日子節儉,到她最需要安安逸逸不多操心的時候,她就能過得舒舒服服的。

The other said it showed how miserly the old buzzard was - getting other people to do what he could have done a thousand times over without feeling it a mite 另一方則堅持這恰恰證明了這個自私的老家伙有多么吝嗇- -這種事情他一個人做再多遍也不過是九牛一毛,他卻要讓全鎮都參與進來。

I dated this one american guy who was so miserly that at the end of the evening he would tot up on the back of his napkin what i owed him down to the last cent 我約會的那個美國人竟如此吝嗇,晚上約會結束時他都會在紙巾背面計算我用了他多少錢,細到一個美分都不放過。

Low - flush toilets and miserly showerheads mandated in 1992 produced years of consumer grumbling and disobedience ;在92年采用的節水馬桶和噴頭的命令引起了數年后消費者的牢騷和抗命。

“ the pincher , “ was his thought ; “ too miserly to burn two cents worth of gas and save his boarders necks . “吝嗇鬼, ”他想, “就舍不得花兩分錢煤氣點個燈,免得房客摔斷脖子。 ”

A miserly father makes a prodigal son 有吝嗇的父親必有敗家之子。

Her father is very rich and miserly “他父親很富有,可也很吝嗇。

A miserly father makes a prodigal son 有吝嗇的父親就有敗家的兒子。

A miserly father makes a prodigal son 有吝嗇的父親必有揮霍的兒子。

A miserly father makes a prodigal son 愛錢如命的父親生個兒子揮金如土

Couple of a pair of landlords , famous ground is miserly 一對地主夫婦,出名地吝嗇。

Sheer necessity had made the poor girl so miserly that gtandet had come to feel the affection for her a man feels for his dog . 可憐的姑娘因為一無所有,變得吝嗇不堪,終于使葛朗臺象喜歡一條狗一樣的喜歡她。

Now, my uncle seemed so miserly that i was struck dumb by this sudden generosity . 原來似乎是非常小氣的伯伯竟突然間慷慨起來,這倒一下子把我弄得目瞪口呆。