
miserliness n.吝嗇。


Water can be easily and honestly obtained and when offering it one can imagine washing away the miserliness of all sentient beings . so lets offer up the best to the buddha , dharma and sangha 在供養時我們應生出此心:我以最虔誠之心供養佛法僧三寶但愿此水能洗凈一切有情眾生貪婪吝嗇之心。

Then she began to realize that it is not just a matter of feeding them . ? the monks bring many benefits to others and she was able to overcome her greed and miserliness 老女仆這才明白到,布施不僅僅是為他們提供飲食,僧伽們是在為別人帶來利益,而她能夠籍此凈除貪婪和慳吝。

The simple which is a kind of quality with higher levels , not the simplicity , miserliness , play at etc absent recongnition to the life quality attitude 簡約是一種較高層次的生活品質,而不是簡樸、吝嗇、敷衍等對生活質量缺乏重視的生活態度。

As to muffat , he was an idiot : he had no notion as to what it was usual to give , and she could not , therefore , grow angry with him on the score of miserliness 至于繆法,他是個傻瓜,他根本不知道該拿什么東西出來,因此她也不能責怪他小氣。

Freedom : please teach me without miserliness ! ! 言行無忌:請大家不吝賜教! !

Miserliness is a capital quality to run in families . 吝嗇對勤儉持家是大有好處的。