
miserably adv.1.不幸地,可憐地,悲慘地;糟糕地;卑劣地。2....


Hath been - wherever , so miserably burdened , she may have hoped to find repose - it hath cast a lurid gleam of awe and horrible repugnance round about her 無論她走到哪里,無論她肩負多么悲慘的重荷,無論她可能多么巴望能得到安靜的休息,這紅字總向她周圍發散出使人畏懼令人深惡痛絕的幽光。

In the last 200 years , the fly develoption of the mankind industry civilization brought the mankind to come to comfortable life , also bringing the miserably heavy price of the life and health 二百年來人類工業文明的飛速發展帶給人類來了舒適的生活,也帶來了生命和健康的慘重代價。

“ it ' s very much in the beginning stages , ” calfee told the los angeles times , before leaving for ghana . “ we might fail miserably , but it might just take “這件事還僅僅處在起步階段, ”卡爾菲在前往加納前告訴《洛杉磯時報》的記者說, “我們也許會遭到慘敗,但也許也會有所收獲。 ”

The mavericks brought in a man who was often described as a shooting guard in a point guard ' s body , a man who had been toiling away on a miserably bad team from atlanta 小牛所引進的這名球員經常被人們描述成“在亞特蘭大一支慘淡的球隊辛苦耕耘,是一名擁有控衛身體的得分衛” 。

Mt . 21 : 41 they said to him , he will miserably destroy those evil men and will lease the vineyard to other vinedressers , who will give the fruit to him in their seasons 太二一41他們說,他必兇惡的除滅那些惡人,將葡萄園另租給那按時候交果子的園戶。

They say unto him , he will miserably destroy those wicked men , and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen , which shall render him the fruits in their seasons 41他們說,要下毒手除滅那些惡人,將葡萄園另租給那按著時候交果子的園戶。

They say unto him , he will miserably destroy those wicked men , and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen , which shall render him the fruits in their seasons 他們說、要下毒手除滅那些惡人、將葡萄園另租給那按著時候交果子的園戶。

“ no , no , “ said the foreman , a rough , heavily built individual , who looked after a miserably lighted workshop , “ we don t want any one “不要,不要, ”工頭回答。那是個粗暴肥胖的家伙,管著一個光線昏暗的車間。 “我們誰也不要,走開! ”

They said to him , he will miserably destroy those evil men and will lease the vineyard to other vinedressers , who will give the fruit to him in their seasons 41他們說,他必兇惡的除滅那些惡人,將葡萄園另租給那按時候交果子的園戶。

Sad , indeed , that an introspection so profound and acute as this poor minister s should be so miserably deceived 象這位可憐的牧師如此深刻和一絲不茍的自省,居然會遭到被人欺騙的悲慘下場,委實令人傷心!

Not be impoverished undergraduate , can not apply for ; even if is to be born miserably , loan also is not to not have of breath 不是貧困大學生,不可以申請;即便是貧困生,貸款也不是無息的。

The war that has just erupted apparently without warning between israel and lebanon looks miserably familiar 這場剛剛爆發于以色列和黎巴嫩之間毫無預兆的戰爭,看來卻如此地似曾相識。

It felt like an old and trusted friend turning his back on you and failing you miserably when you needed him most 那感覺就像你最需要你那忠實的老朋友,他卻對你不顧而去時一樣失落。

Never would he see her ; never would he touch her again , or if he did he would be miserably weak 總之,他蒙受了奇恥大辱,他永遠不來看她了,永遠不來碰她一下子否則,他就是孬種。

Rachel : ( miserably ) no , no , that ' s not what we ordered … we ordered a fat - free crust with extra cheese (很絕望)不,不,那不是我們定的…我們定了一個無脂并且包裹了奶酪外殼的。

Miserably , she stripped off her skirt and stockings , her hands trying to hide her pussy from his gaze 可憐巴巴的,她脫掉了她的裙子和長襪,她的手在他的凝視下企圖遮掩她的陰部。

Without it , we should be prepared to fail as miserably as so many of the applications we have tested 否則,我們就只能面臨失敗,與我們已測試的眾多應用程序的失敗結局一樣。

He did miserably in the early primaries but promised that florida would be his firewall 他在早期的初選中很慘,但是他承諾說佛羅里達將是他的底線。

He had none ; but he looked so miserably and greedily at the others while they were eating 在別人吃餡餅時,他眼巴巴地看著,口水都要流出來了!