
miserable adj.1.不幸的,痛苦的,可憐的,(生活)悲慘的,(消...


My father's opinion of me doses me the greatest honour; and i should be miserable to forfeit it . 父親這樣器重我,真是我最大的榮幸,我要是辜負了他,一定會覺得遺憾。

She was miserable in considering how much unsuspected vexation was probable ready to burst on him . 她很難受,心想,他還不知道有多少讓他發火的事情在等著他。

She went stealthily, mopping her flushed, stained cheeks, frightened, angry, very miserable . 她悄悄走著,一面揩著火燙的、淚漬的臉,又怕,又氣,非常難受。

He began to find himself hanging around her father's house, nights and feeling very miserable . 他漸漸在夜里到她父親的住宅附近轉來轉去,心里覺得很難受。

I will say the very thought of you make me sick, and that you treated me with miserable cruelty . 我就說,我一想起你就惡心,你對我殘酷到了可恥的地步。

Oh, miserable remembrance! he had forfeited all right to bind up his brother's wounds . 啊!不幸的回憶!他已經沒有絲毫的權利來包扎他弟弟的傷口了。

“oh. elinor, i am miserable indeed,“ before her voice was entirely lost in sobs . “噢!埃莉諾,我的確很不幸!”她的聲音隨即為抽泣所吞噬。

Never shall he be wed to the child of such a wretched soul living in this miserable hovel . 他決不能和住在這個破茅屋里的可憐蟲的孩子結婚。

These boots hurt his feet dreadfully and made him feel very tired and miserable . 這雙靴子使他的腳受苦不淺,弄得他精疲力竭,非常痛苦。

He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing . 他郁郁不樂地在病床上躺了一天,想著他正在錯過的一切樂趣。

He had no more imagined to himself the blighted home, and the miserable parents . 他始終沒有想到喪事人家的凄慘和那父母們的傷心。

He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing . 他在病床上度過了凄涼的一天,心里想著他錯過的種種歡樂。

Oh, don't think that it must come to an end, or we shall both be miserable . 啊,別以為它一定會完結,否則我們都會是不幸的。

She died in freezing weather in a miserable cottage they shared . 在一個天寒地凍的日子,她死在他們居住的一間破陋的小屋里。

Love is an utterly bygone, sorry, worn-out, miserable thing with me . 對我來說,愛情已經凋零,變得悲涼凄惻,一去不復返了。

By his miserable silence a while ago he had forfeited all chance of helping her . 剛才那陣沉默已使他喪失了幫助她的機會。

Only miserable creatures would survive such a catastrophe anyhow . 只有搖尾乞憐的家伙,才會經過這場滅頂之災后幸存下來。

What with the rain and the bad food, we have a very miserable holiday . 由于天下雨,食物又變質,我們度了個倒霉的假日。

And even when it was all over, they had both felt very miserable . 就是在這一切辦妥之后,不知怎的他們仍然感到很沮喪。