
miser n.吝嗇的人,小氣鬼,守財奴;〔古語〕可憐的人。


A stingy person ; a miser 吝嗇吝嗇小氣的人;守財奴

Misers are no fun to live with , but they make great ancestors 與吝嗇鬼生活毫無樂趣,但他們卻為后人稱道不已

He has grown into an old miser 他已經變成老守財奴了

Misers are no fun to live , but they make great ancestors 與吝嗇鬼生活毫無樂趣,但他們卻為后人稱道不已。

Fear that someone might steal his money obsessed the old miser 怕有人會偷錢的恐懼困擾著這個老吝嗇鬼。

Misers put their back and their belly into their pockets [諺]守財奴寧可打赤膊餓肚皮,也舍不得掏腰包。

You cannot be a good man and a miser 舍不得施,不能為善人。

Are toadstools on the miser ' s bags 是在守財奴的袋上的毒蕈。

The boss in the company is a miser , chasing eight and quarters 這公司的老板是個追求名利的吝嗇鬼。

The miser adopt import stainless steel 采用進口不銹鋼材料。

Gold doesn ' t belong to the miser , but the miser to gold 財富并不屬于守財奴,但守財奴卻屬于財富。

Gold does not belong to the miser , but the miser to gold 財富并不屬于守財奴,而是守財奴屬于財富。

A miser gives undue importance to making and saving money 守財奴對賺錢和存錢孰輕孰重的認識有誤。

A woman doesn ' t like a miser . so don ' t be stingy 女人不喜歡吝嗇鬼,感人的幾句話,所以不要小氣。

The miser gloated over his gold 守財奴心滿意足地望著他的金子。

For such a miser person , no one wants get on with him 對于這樣小氣的人,誰也不愿意和他打交道

Then the old miser is no longer due on the tuesday ? 那么,那個老吝嗇鬼就不是星期二來嘍? ”

Miser : a person who lives poor so that he can die rich 吝嗇鬼:過窮日子以求死后富有的人。

The selfish old miser had a cold nature 這個自私的老吝嗇鬼生性冷酷。