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Abstract : through studies based on characteristics of “ dynamic conductor ” , this paper has formed a suite of “ mise - a - la - masse ” detection theories and techniques for underground dynamic conductor , and described the object of their application , the geoelectric model , the technical basis , some detection methods and their preliminary application 文摘:根據“動態導體”的特點開展研究,形成了1套地下動態導體的充電法探測理論和方法,并就其應用對象和地電模型、技術基礎、部分探測方法及其初步應用等方面進行了介紹。

Similar to the famous von - mise condition on the extreme value theory of 1 - max style , the judge condition that absolutely continuous distribution function is in the domain of attraction of p - max style distribution function is given . at the same time , the error inequality between samples and true values is obtained , and almost sure convergence theorems on the extreme value theory of p - max style are also given 類似于l - max型極值理論中著名的von - mise條件,本文給出了絕對連續分布函數f落在p - max型極值分布函數的吸收域中的判斷條件,給出了樣本與真值的誤差不等式,并給出了關于p - max型極值理論的幾乎處處收斂定理。

Through studies based on characteristics of “ dynamic conductor “ , this paper has formed a suite of “ mise - a - la - masse “ detection theories and techniques for underground dynamic conductor , and described the object of their application , the geoelectric model , the technical basis , some detection methods and their preliminary application 摘要根據“動態導體”的特點開展研究,形成了1套地下動態導體的充電法探測理論和方法,并就其應用對象和地電模型、技術基礎、部分探測方法及其初步應用等方面進行了介紹。

The mise - en scene is beautifully arranged , as well as the choice of camera angles and lenses , together with the on location setting in dun huang and the brilliant composition of background music , the visual and audio performance is excellent . in terms of the cast , michelle yeoh demonstrates her acrobatic ability as convincingly as usual , she is like a female version of jackie chan now . new actor brandon chang is better than expected 演員陣容方面也很國際化, ben chaplin和richard roxburg雖然不是荷里活一線男星,但是演技和級數都不俗,如richard roxburgh便曾參演a級片職業特工隊二和情陷紅蘑坊,至少比起像雷霆戰警般找來演技和級數都較弱的外國演員擔演重角來得好看。

Images are well focused and the contrast between the dark and light objects is apparent . similar to wong s previous films , the mise en scene and the camera angle are considered cautiously . every composition shows careful aesthetic and artistic consideration 加上美術設計十分嚴謹,猶其張曼玉的旗袍表演及經過細心安排的場景布置和王片一向獨特的鏡頭擺位,單以藝術片來說此片也是值得一看。

Shows clear influence of japanese horror film . the use of camera angle , mise - en scene and sound effect are very effective , the only problem is that the plot is not intact enough . it lacks tension and creativity 最后一格有日本恐怖片的影子,編導嘗試以遠鏡隱閉鏡頭和音響制造驚栗效果,部分場面處理得甚為出色,唯故事情節比較薄弱,而且創意欠奉,否則成績應可更進一步。

While focusing on the ideological side of gide ' s works , he has also devoted a lot of his efforts to the careful analysis of the internal structure of his novels , especially the mise en abyme in the counterfeiters 他在關注紀德作品的思想內涵的同時,對紀德作品內在結構的分析也付出了大量精力,尤其對《偽幣制造者》中的“紋心結構”更是作了專心致志的研究。

Abstract : this paper describes briefly the gist of the data - processing and interpretation system for time domain “ mise - a - la masse ” method and deals in detail with its field application in two metallic ore districts within sichuan province 文摘:簡要介紹時間域充電法資料處理及解釋系統的基本內容,并詳細介紹了在四川省境內的2個金屬礦區的野外應用結果。

This paper describes briefly the gist of the data - processing and interpretation system for time domain “ mise - a - la masse “ method and deals in detail with its field application in two metallic ore districts within sichuan province 摘要簡要介紹時間域充電法資料處理及解釋系統的基本內容,并詳細介紹了在四川省境內的2個金屬礦區的野外應用結果。

After i have finished reading artur wardega ' s book titled “ the technique of mise en abyme ( story within story ) as employed in andr gide ' s les faux - monnayeurs ( the counterfeiters ) ” , i became enthralled 讀了萬德化先生的碩士論文《安德烈?紀德的一書中的“紋心結構” 》 ,很是令人欣喜。

The study inducts the discourse of retribution in dissecting the mise en scene behind these writings in reacquainting the system of retribution and just punishment 本劇運用現代人撲朔迷離自私自利的愛情關系作為論述主軸,抽絲剝繭這些文本的后設情境,企圖重新認識報應、懲罰與自我。

But most surprising of all is the immaculate mise - en - scene of veteran filmmaker wang tianlin . all in all , a film not to be missed and one which deserves to be seen over and over again 但全片最精彩的,還是葛蘭的表演,舉手投足全是戲,一顰一笑盡教人神為之奪。

Abstract : this paper describes the principle and technique of high - precision quantitative interpretation of “ mise - a - la - masse ” method for the underground dynamic conductor 文摘:提供了動態導體充電法的高精度定量解釋的原理和具體方法。

This paper describes the principle and technique of high - precision quantitative interpretation of “ mise - a - la - masse “ method for the underground dynamic conductor 摘要提供了動態導體充電法的高精度定量解釋的原理和具體方法。

Maintains cleanliness and mise - en - place level at working station and service pantry for smooth operation 保持工作場地及餐具室內物品的齊全、干凈、整潔

Checks daily mise - en - place , preparation , cooking and presentation of all food 確保所有食物在準備和上菜的過程中嚴格按照行政總廚師長所制定的標準。

A mise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can from a mountain top 一個智者從井底看到的比一個傻瓜從山頂看到的還要多