
misdirect vt.1.指導[指揮]錯誤。2.寫錯(信封)。3.指錯(...


The bureau that keep watch reminds consumption , if encounter following item but to superintendency department complaint handling : business of insurance of insurance device and agency of insurance individual agent breaks the law mediumly , violate compasses act ; create insurance device illegally ; run insurance wu or insurance intermediary business illegally ; as a result of insurance company sale member intended in the process that exhibit property or error , misdirect consumer or enroach on insurance join the action of right beneficial ; the irregularity of insurance device and its branch chief , violate compasses act ; shenzhen protects inspect bureau the staff member breaks the law , violate discipline and act of neglect one ' s duty ; the criticism that works to insurance , opinion and proposal ; other concerned enroach on is sure to join the action of right beneficial 保監局提醒消費,假如碰到下列事項可向監管部門投訴處理:保險機構及保險個人代理人經辦保險業務中的違法、違規行為;非法設立保險機構;非法經營保險業務或保險中介業務;由于保險公司營銷員在展業過程中故意或過失,誤導消費者或侵害保險合法權益的行為;保險機構及其分支機構負責人的違法、違規行為;深圳保監局工作人員違法、違紀和失職行為;對保險工作的批評、意見和建議;其他有關侵害保險合法權益的行為。

To the maximum extent permitted by law , neither the postmaster general nor the government of hong kong special administrative region accept any responsibility whatsoever for any damage , loss , death or personal injury arising from or in connection with the lucky draw , including but not limited to any error or omission in conducting the draws , loss or destruction of lucky draw entries or other property or belonging , or any notice or correspondence which is misdirected , mislabeled , delayed or lost in the post or otherwise 在法律許可的范圍內,香港郵政署長及香港特別行政區政府均無須對是次抽獎所引起或與之有關的任何損害賠償、損失、傷亡而負責,包括但不限于在抽獎進行期間出現的任何錯誤或遺漏;抽獎記錄或其他財產或物品的損失或銷毀;以及任何通告或信件于郵遞過程中或其他交件程序上出現的錯誤轉遞、錯誤標簽、延誤或遺失等。

The outstanding achievement that broad investor should realize adequately to place of fund management company is publicized often cannot represent prospective profit , one - sided to those conduct propaganda , inadequate announce the risk , vigilance that does misdirect advertising fund to manage a company to maintain altitude 廣大投資者應該充分意識到基金治理公司所宣傳的業績往往不能代表未來的收益,對那些片面宣傳、不充分揭示風險、做誤導廣告的基金治理公司保持高度的警惕。

Britons texting st valentine ' s day love messages next tuesday should be careful they do n ' t send them to the wrong person . a poll of 3 , 000 mobile phone users that found 40 percent will be texting rather than sending cards and that one in four have misdirected a provocative text or photo 公司近日對3000名英國手機用戶進行調查,結果顯示, 40的人將選擇在情人節這天向戀人發送甜蜜短信,且有25的人承認,曾經經歷過向他人誤發曖昧短信或圖片的尷尬。

They said that she should have exercised greater care concerning holidays during term , but concluded that the absences were justified . allowing the local authority ' s appeal yesterday , mr justice sullivan said that the magistrates had misdirected themselves on the law 但去年9月,法官們在聽證會上說,盡管這位母親此前的行為確實應當更謹慎一些,但造成孩子們缺勤的理由是正當的。

Policies were poor , execution dreadful and leadership misdirected , but each initiative seemed to create a centripetal force , as everyone looked toward beijing to see how to march forward ( or avoid being trampled ) 政策是貧乏的,執行是糟糕的,領導行為偏離了方向,但每一個念頭看起來都創造出了向心力,每個人都望著北京,想知道如何向前走(或避免被踩踏) 。

Relying solely on links or words to establish ranking , without placing any constraint on the types of pages that are being compared , opens up possibilities for spoofing or gaming the ranking system to misdirect queries 排行系統在比較網頁時,若不對網頁類型設限,而單單利用連結或字詞建立排行,就有可能受騙或只能憑運氣運作,搜尋結果也會遭到誤導。

Let me carry through the rest of my misdirected life , the remembrance that i opened my heart to you , last of all the world ; and that there was something left in me at this time which you could deplore and pity 讓我在今后迷失方向的生活中永遠記住我曾向你袒露過我的心,這是我最后的一次袒露。我要記住,我此時留下了一些能讓你悲痛和惋惜的東西。 ”

Policies were poor , execution dreadful and leadership misdirected , but each initiative seemed to create a centripetal force , as everyone looked toward beijing to see how to march forward ( or avoid being trampled ) 下面缺失政策、執行不力而且領導無方,但是每個自發行動似乎都能形成向心力,每個人都心向北京,想知道如何前行(或者避免被踩踏) 。

Deactivating service broker message delivery allows you to safely attach a backup of a database for troubleshooting or data recovery purposes without running the risk of misdirected messages . the 停用service broker消息傳遞后,可以安全地附加數據庫備份以便故障排除或數據恢復,而無需承擔誤傳消息的風險。

Police work on inner - city streets is a domestic vietnam , a dangerous no win struggle fought by confused , misdirected and unappreciated troops 市中心平民區的治安工作是一支思想混亂、指揮失誤、不受歡迎的部隊進行的一場危險的、只輸不贏的爭斗,猶如一場國內的越戰。

This data is at risk of compromise : email and instant messages can be intercepted or misdirected , laptops are easily lost , and pcs are often targets for theft 可以對郵件與文件的加密與簽名,可以生成一對密碼組合,由一個私人密碼和一個公用密碼組成。

Government does not fail because it does not measure happiness ; it fails when its energies are misdirected on the basis of poor quality information 政府不會因為沒有衡量幸福而失敗,但是,當政府以劣質信息為依據,在資源配置方面失誤時,它就會失敗。

The switchboard at the university of rhode island is connected to the president ' s home phone , and occasionally a misdirected call interrupts his lei - sure time 羅德島大學的電話交換臺與校長家的電話是聯在一起的,所以時常有串線的電話打擾他的休息。

This can misdirect generation tools to create documents with unintended root elements , at least from the point of view of the schema author 這樣可能誤導生成工具,使創建的文檔以不希望的元素作為根元素,至少從模式創建者的觀點來看是這樣的。

Service broker security helps to ensure that messages are not misdirected , and helps to protect the data in transit Service broker安全機制可幫助確保消息不會被誤傳,還可幫助保護傳輸中的數據。

All dead links , misdirected links , grammatical errors , spelling mistakes , missing information , and suggestions should be 所有死鏈接, misdirected鏈接,語法錯誤,拼寫差錯,缺掉信息,并且建議應該是

It is always an effort to challenge habits that are irretrievably misdirected , but , sometimes one must 翻譯:改變一個深根蒂固的壞習慣是需要一定的勇氣的,但是,有時候人們必須這么做。

Otherwise , messages may be misdirected and processing for a conversation may occur in the wrong copy of the database 否則,消息可能被誤傳,而且可能在錯誤的數據庫副本中處理會話。