
misdemeanour n.(一般的)不正當的行為,惡劣的品行;壞事;【法律】輕...


Any person who makes , or procures to be made , or assists in making any false representation for the purpose of obtaining for himself or any other person a certificate of competency under section 6 of the boilers and pressure vessels ordinance cap . 56 , shall be guilty of misdemeanour , and render himself liable to penalties under section 55 of the same ordinance 任何人如作失實陳述或協助他人作失實陳述,以圖獲取依照香港法例第56章鍋爐及壓力容器條例第6條發給的合格證書,即屬犯法,根據該條例第55條可被判重罰。

Fix , the detective , had foreseen the advantage which passepartout s escapade gave him , and , delaying his departure for twelve hours , had consulted the priests of malabar hill . knowing that the english authorities dealt very severely with this kind of misdemeanour , he promised them a goodly sum in damages , and sent them forward to calcutta by the next train 于是他就把從孟買動身的時間往后推遲了十二小時,跑到瑪勒巴山寺為僧侶們出主意,說他們準能得到一大筆損害賠償費,因為他很清楚英國玫府對于這一類的罪行是十分嚴厲的這樣他就叫三個僧侶從孟買坐了下一班火車來追蹤他們的犯人。

Arab leaders continue to charge iran with a host of misdemeanours , ranging from alleged meddling in iraq , lebanon and palestine to occupying a trio of mid - gulf islands claimed by the united arab emirates ( uae ) 阿拉伯領導人仍然念念不忘伊朗做過的壞事,比如所謂的調停伊拉克,黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦之間的關系,真實目的卻是占領海灣中部屬于阿聯酋的三大島嶼。

Does n ' t that go against principles of education our society and schools are stigmatising the so - called tomboys with improper gender behaviour , condemning them for their misdemeanour , and trying to reform them accordingly 現在社會學校給那些所謂的男性化女生貼上“不適當性別行為”的標志,以“行為不端”的罪名判她們有罪,并且還要改造她們。

However , the turin giants have this afternoon claimed that they have already paid the price for the misdemeanours of previous employees luciano moggi and antonio giraudo 然而,都靈豪門今天下午已經聲稱,他們已經因為之前職員莫吉和吉拉烏多的行為付出了代價。

From time to time d urberville exhibited a sort of fierce distress at the sight of the tramping he had driven her to undertake by his misdemeanour 德貝維爾看到由于自己的行為不檢點,逼得苔絲不得不步行,也不時地表現出一種強烈的不安來。

As you hope ever to be forgiven , mr . rivers , the high crime and misdemeanour of spoiling a sanded kitchen , tell me what i wish to know 里弗斯先生,正因為你希望我寬恕你毀我砂石廚房的彌天大罪和不端行為,那你就把我想知道的告訴我吧。 ”