
misdemeanor n.(一般的)不正當的行為,惡劣的品行;壞事;【法律】輕...


Thoughts of criminal policy of legalists include following contents : attacking steals and violent crimes , powerful nation and weak people , governing people by punishment , eliminating punishment by punishment , the heavy penalty policy , praising the reward and censuring the punished , equal punishment , trusty reward and trusty punishment , maintaining the stability of law , punishment being judged in the public mind . the heavy penalty policy is the core part of the thoughts of legalists , and it includes six aspects specifically : regular punishments and rare rewards , making penalty severer and reward rarer , misdemeanor with heavy penalty , punishing the just occurred , rewarding exposing crimes , punishment for being related 王者之政莫急于盜賊,強國弱民,以刑治民、以刑去刑,重刑政策,賞譽同軌、非誅俱行,刑無等級,賞信罰必,法貴有常,刑斷于民心是法家主要刑事政策思想,而重刑政策是法家刑事政策思想中最核心的部分,它具體包括六個方面:多刑少賞,重罰輕賞,輕罪重罰,刑用于將過,告奸,連坐。

A judge has ordered o . j simpson held without bail after his arrest in connection with what police described as a robbery at a las vegas casino hotel . the district attorney says he expects simpson to be charged with seven felonies and one gross misdemeanor . the former football star will be arraigned wednesday 辛普森由于涉嫌搶劫一家拉斯維加斯賭場旅館而被捕,法官下令其不得保釋.檢查官表示將以七項重罪和一項輕罪起訴辛普森.這位過氣的(用“前”即可)足球明星將在周三上庭受審

Secondly , transformed crime refers to one crime ( transformed crime ) is transformed from another crime ( basic crime ) , or from misdemeanor ( basic crime ) to felony ( transformed crime ) . moreover , the time condition of transformed crime is the duration of committing the basic crime or illegal acts 因轉化型搶劫罪涉及到轉化前的犯罪行為和轉化后的犯罪行為和轉化的條件,轉化型搶劫罪在司法實踐中的認定確屬難點,爭議也頗多。

Nevertheless , some civil servants , in particular those at the junior levels , may be unaware that minor misdemeanors may also render them liable to formal disciplinary proceedings and that repeated minor misconduct could lead to removal from the service 然而,有些公務員(特別是初級人員)可能不知道,即使觸犯輕微的不當行為,也可能須面對正式紀律處分,而屢犯輕微不當行為,亦可能被免職。

Our society and schools are stigmatizing the so - called tomboys with “ improper gender behavior “ , condemning them or their “ misdemeanor “ , and trying to reform them accordingly 現在社會、學校給那些所謂的男性化女生貼上“不適當性別行為”的標志,以“行為不端”的罪名判她們有罪,并且還要改造她們。

The girl was charged over the weekend with two counts of misdemeanor falsely reporting an incident for allegedly making six fake 911 calls from a local church phone saturday 警方說,這個女孩涉嫌于上周六4月8日用當地一家教堂的電話撥打了6次911電話,謊報事故,她因此在上周末受到指控。

Under existing u . s . law , a person who enters the united states at any point other than an official port of entry is guilty of a misdemeanor and can be sentenced to up to six months in prison 依照現行的美國法律,任何人只要是進入美國官方就是一種違法行為,可被處以最高6個月的監禁。

However , influenced by all kinds of social factors , misdemeanors of scientists have occurred from time to time , and have turned an important problem which should be discussed and studied seriously 科學越軌已經成為一個科學活動中必須探討的問題,并需要加以認真研究。

Brown was charged with two misdemeanors - - disorderly conduct and interference of an officer - - after his cousin was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol 布朗被控兩項不端行為? ?行為不檢及干擾理事? ?在表弟因酒后駕車嫌疑被捕之后。

It was passed unanimously by the las vegas city council as part of a bill making it a misdemeanor to go to the bathroom in public 這條法令由拉斯維加斯市理事會全體成員一致通過,它與在公共場所洗澡將被處以輕罪的法令同屬一法案。

Misdemeanor , n , an infraction of the law having less dignity than a felony and constituting no claim to admittance into the best criminal society 輕罪,名詞,一種對法律的違背,不如重罪榮耀,不能獲得精英罪犯協會的準入資格。

Mesereau : i really didn ' t , because to convict him of any of the misdemeanor counts , you had to believe the accuser beyond a reasonable doubt 我真的沒有擔心過,因為任何證明輕罪的前提都是,你必須超越合理懷疑的相信原告。

A case in point is students in new york state who faced criminal misdemeanor charges for possessing and advance copies of state regents examinations 一項訴訟表明,有學生因為提前持有州政府考試的副本而受到輕罪的指控。

The house of representatives then decided to impeach the president , charging him with “ high crimes and misdemeanors “ as required by the constitution 美國眾議院接著決定根據憲法規定之嚴重罪刑與不當行為,彈劾詹森。

Paula meronek was arraigned on a misdemeanor assault charge after police said she bit her boyfriend during a domestic dispute 保拉梅洛內克被法院傳訊,理由是在警官說她與其男友爭吵后咬了他后對警官有不當行為。

Felony one of several grave crimes , such as murder , rape , or burglary , punishable by a more stringent sentence than that given for a misdemeanor 重罪,大罪如謀殺或搶劫等該處以比輕罪更嚴厲的懲罰的嚴重罪行

Wallace was initially cited for misdemeanor assault and battery of the two employees . the incident left some of the children in tears 這不僅讓女明星心驚膽戰,也嚇哭了隨行的孩子們,當時的局面一片混亂。

It ' s no small decision for congress to impeach ( accuse of a crime or misdemeanor ) the president , but in 1868 that ' s exactly what happened 國會對總統提出彈劾(指控總統犯罪或品行不端)的決定相當嚴重。

Martin demanded . “ surely to assault truth is a more serious misdemeanor than to insult a pygmy personality such as the judge s 馬丁問道, “侮辱真理肯定是比侮辱一個像法官這樣的小人嚴重得多的失禮。