
misdeed n.惡劣行為;罪行。


Discriminating against this word is not to have fault originally square patent , but this one word is used at be to already covered fault oneself however nowadays , damage the excuse of other interest and public interest , convict is what already covered misdeed oneself to take off a word , and another word thought fors the time being also the chu zhong that virtually changed it , become the important affiliated to a ministry that engage in a lawsuit , deserve dimension authority did not get , become defendant instead , let a person let a person think over really with profundity discuss 歧視這詞原本是無過錯方的專利,可如今這一詞卻用于為自已掩蓋過錯,損害他人利益及大眾利益的借口,罪犯為自已掩蓋罪行的脫詞,而另一個詞維權也無形中改變了它的初忠,成為打官司的重要部屬,該得到維權沒有得到,反成被告,真讓人讓人反思與深刻的探討

Of a breakdown , by prh estates , of the number of noise nuisance complaints received by the housing department since the inclusion , on 1 january this year , of “ causing noise nuisance “ as a misdeed in respect of which points may be allotted under the marking scheme for estate management enforcement in public housing estates “ marking scheme “ , and the respective numbers of cases in which the persons under complaint were given warning letters and allotted points respectively since the inclusion ; and 自從“造成噪音滋擾“于本年1月1日列為屋管理扣分制的扣分項目以來,房屋署收到的噪音滋擾投訴按屋分類的數目,以及向被投訴人分別發出警告信和施加扣分處分的個案數目及四會否考慮將“對鄰居造成滋擾“列為屋管理扣分制的扣分項目若否,原因為何?

Mr . songmao zhong stated that the majority of parolees currently in the training school are middle - aged or older . they have no one to rely on or are rejected by their family because of their previous misdeeds . though the fund has enough money to feed and house these parolees , anything more than that relies upon help from society 據更生保護會花蓮分會總干事鍾松茂指出,輔導所目前收容的保護人大多為中老年人,不是已經無依無靠,就是因為曾經犯錯不被家人接受,而致無處可去的對象,雖然在照料他們的經費上尚顯充足,但也僅能提供溫飽和居所,除此之外則有賴各界的關懷。

Moreover , sub - contractors could easily cover their misdeeds because of lax site supervision . tampering with concrete samples before they were delivered to government laboratories for testing was one of the means to cover the illicit trick 偷工減料之馀,承建商更可在提供運送石屎樣本到政府化驗室受檢的環節上偷轉鳳,讓符合規格但并非用于地盤的石屎樣本提交化驗所。

As time passed by they too understood why milarepa had done what he had done . with great remorse he purified his misdeeds and underwent the difficulties of practising the dharma 隨著時間的流逝,人們開始明白密勒日巴當初為什么要那樣做。在深深的自責下,密勒日巴也努力地去清除自己的罪行,并經歷了修行佛法的眾多困難。

There is a strong family resemblance about misdeeds , and if you have all the details of a thousand at your finger ends , it is odd if you can ' t unravel the thousand and first 犯罪行為都有它非常類似的地方,如果你對一千個案子的詳情細節都能了如指掌,而對第一千零一件案子竟不能解釋的話,那才是怪事哩。

Working hand in glove with the underworld is high police chun . chun s misdeeds get the commissoner worried . to curtain chun , he appoints dragon ma jackie as police cheif of a part of chun s territory 馬如成飾因搗破海盜巢穴有成績,被委派治理港島治安,因而與三區總幫辦鎮三環結怨,遭陷害入獄。

Mr bell sat on the select committee for standards and privileges for most of his four years in parliament and catalogues the stream of only occasionally punished misdeeds that passed before that body 在四年國會生涯中,貝爾大部分時間都在國會特別委員會制定各種標準、賦予別人特權。

Most people agreed that the newspaper was hitting below the belt when it tried to discredit the cabinet minister by detailing some of her childhood misdeeds 大多數人一致認為,如果報紙試圖用該內閣大臣孩提時的某些不端行為使她信譽掃地的話,那么報紙就是玩弄卑鄙手段了。

The book is yours and you will not be punished as long as you remember that i am not rewarding you for your misdeed , i am rewarding you for your truthfulness 只要你記住我獎勵你不是因為你做錯事,而是因為你誠實,你就不會受到懲罰。 ”

And he needs to be scolded for his little misdeeds , then kissed and forgiven just the way his mother did many years ago 在他行為有點不軌時,他也需要有人責備他幾句,然后親吻他,給他以寬恕,就像他母親多年前對他所做的那樣。

Article 28 in the event that chunghwa post is fined under the preceding two articles , it may claim compensation from person ( s ) responsible for the misdeed 第28條中華郵政公司依前二條規定受罰時,得對應負責之人求償。

Those who do cheat rarely get caught , only about 30 percent or less , according to the survey . and just 13 percent confess to their misdeeds 調查顯示,有不忠行為的人很少被抓個現形,只有30 %或更少的人遭遇過此尷尬。

Today , if you also believe that jesus is the son of god , you should do as paul did and repent of all misdeeds 今天,如果您也相信耶穌是上帝的兒子,您需要跟保羅一樣悔改所有的過犯,然后跟保羅一樣, “起來!

Some of the animals come back in rebirth as human beings , and murder and rob as vengeance for misdeeds done unto them 有的被害的生靈投胎為人,他們燒殺搶掠,就是為了要報復人們在他們身上所犯下的罪過。

You should not have sold the motor - cycle in that unsafe condition ; sooner or later your misdeeds will come home to roost 你不該把那輛不安全的摩托車賣掉,你的不端行為遲早會得到報應。

Such family backgrounds account for the misdeeds of the children , who vent their wrath on other people 這種家庭背景,就會造成小孩出去做壞事,因為小孩會把仇恨的心發泄在別人身上。

You should not have sold the car in that unsafe condition ; sooner of later you misdeeds will come home to roost 你不該把那輛不安全的汽車賣掉,你的不端行為遲早會得到報應。

He sincerely repented for his misdeeds and also advised other prisoners to refrain from committing offenses 因此他誠心地懺悔,并告訴其他獄友不要再犯錯。