
misconstrue vt.誤會,誤解;曲解。


The term chinese elite can be misconstrued as a group of chinese singaporeans who can only master the chinese language but are not very good in english like the me3 under the present system but dr tan ' s suggestion of the term the chinese - educated is even more inappropriate than chinese elite , for that term has already passed into history more than a decade ago 而“華文精英”一詞也會讓人誤解為只精于華文而不能很好地掌握英文的一群華裔比如現行制度下的me3 。而陳醫生所提議的“受華文教育者”早在十多年前已成為歷史了,這稱呼比“華文精英”更不貼切。

What ' s more , with the global contemporary management theory becoming more mature and deeply , our country are also experiencing the conversion from close and extensive management manner of planned economy to open and intensive management manner of market economy . during the course of slipping the leash of traditional concept and alluring advanced management idea for reference , because of the action of inertial thinking and restriction of condition from many aspects , misconstrue will comes into being unavoidable 隨著全球現代管理理論日趨成熟和深化,我國也正在經歷從計劃經濟的封閉型、粗放型管理,向市場經濟的開放型、集約型管理方式轉變,在擺脫傳統觀念來縛、吸引借鑒先進管理思想的過程中,由于慣性思維的作用和眾多方面條件的限制,難免形成誤區。

To china , which is dedicating itself to realizing consti tutionalism and rule of law , we have to correct peoples “ misconstrue of the political functions of courts , remove the obstacles of conceptions and systems , and reconstruct the political functions of chinese courts 對于正致力于實現憲政法治的中國來說,必須徹底糾正人們對法院政治功能的認識偏差,消解影響中國法院政治功能實現的觀念和制度障礙,重塑中國法院的政治功能。

This obviously is not an independent interest rate policy as such , although it may be misconstrued to be , given our special circumstances and the traditional understanding of how currency boards work 基于我們的特有處境及傳統以來對貨幣發行局制度運作的理解,雖然有些人可能誤以為我們試圖推行獨立的利率政策,但從上述原則明顯可見事實不然。

In any computer system , the machine will always misinterpret , misconstrue , misprint , or not evaluate any math or subroutines or fail to print any output on at least the first run through 任何計算機系統,至少是在第一次運行時,它總是錯誤地或歪曲地解釋、胡亂打印、或根本不會數學,也不會運行任何子程序、或打印不出任何結果。

He never moved but what , if there was any danger of his conduct being misconstrued or ill - reported , he looked carefully about him and counted the cost of every inch of conspicuity 碰到自己的行為有被人誤解或誤傳的可能時,他的一舉一動就特別小心,總是小心翼翼地打量四周,估量暴露一時身體可能要付出的代價。

But larry craig says his actions were misconstrued , saying he should not have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges involving lewd conduct in a men ' s room 但是拉里?克雷格說他的行為遭到了曲解,他聲稱他本不該就對自己有關在男衛生間里做出猥褻行為(有歧義)的不正當指控認罪。

Explanation will do for another time , thought i . still , when i reached my chamber , i felt a pang at the idea she should even temporarily misconstrue what she had seen “下次再解釋也行, ”我想。但是到了房間里,想起她一時會對看到的情況產生誤解,心里便感到一陣痛楚。

But larry craig says his actions were misconstrued , saying he should not have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges involving lewd conduct in a men ' s room 但是拉里?克雷格說他的行為遭到了曲解,他聲稱他本不該就對自己有關在男衛生間里做出猥褻行為的不正當指控辯解。

But larry craig says his actions were misconstrued , saying he should not have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges involving lewd conduct in a men ' s room 他表示關于他在男士洗手間內的猥褻行為是被誤解的,他本不該認罪而被判輕罪。

Our commitment and dedication to people should never be misconstrued as paternalism 我們對員工的宗旨和努力不應曲解為家長作風。

The patriots totally misconstrued this passage and ignored its context 愛國者完全曲解這段經文并忽略其上下文。

Certain people might misconstrue .某些人可能會誤解

Ponderation over the misconstruing of ancient books in tour of geology 書中對古籍的誤會想到的

You have completely misconstrued me / my words / what i said 你完全誤解了我[我的話/我的意思]了

Isn't it possible you may have misconstrued their remarks ? 您會不會誤解了他們的意思呢?

You have misconstrued his words . 你誤解了他的話。