
misconduct n.1.行為不正,不規矩;(尤指官吏等的)胡作非為,瀆職...


Lack of educational systems and educational misconducts in higher institutions of learning 高等學校的教育制度缺失與教育行為失范

Salvor ' s misconduct 救助人的過失

Talking in a whiny voice may be dementing but it is not gross misconduct 發出嘀嘀咕咕的聲音可能令人抓狂,但這不是什么大錯。

The teachers will handle any student misconduct regarding routine problems 下課鈴響后,要等老師宣布下課后,才可離開教室。

Securities and futures registration of market misconduct tribunal orders rules 證券及期貨登記市場失當行為審裁處命令規則

Landscape architect of housing department arrested and charged for alleged misconduct 廉署拘控房署園林建筑師涉嫌行為失當

Scmp report on purported broker misconduct during august market operation 南華早報有關入市行動中經紀違規行為的報導

Market misconduct tribunal 市場失當行為審裁處

Examples of acts of misconduct 不當行為的例子

. . . of misconduct , deliberate fraud and an attempt to suppress voter - - . . .有預謀的不當欺詐行為試圖掩蓋選民們的. .

Confront me when you have one single example of misconduct . one 等你發現我失職事實的時候再來找我哪怕只有一件事

How are employees disciplined for misconduct or poor performance 如果工人有不端行為或惡劣的表現會受到什麼處分

Foreign methods to combat academic misconducts and the lesson we learn 國外遏制學術不端行為的做法及對我國的啟示

The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct 公司僅在雇員嚴重失職的情形下才予以解雇

On the misconduct sin of judges 試論法官瀆職犯罪

Of misconduct , deliberate fraud and an attempt to suppress voter - .有預謀的不當欺詐行為試圖掩蓋選民們的

You get a minus for misconduct . give max back his journai 你因為不規矩而被扣了一分把麥克斯的日記還給他

Official misconduct is a blot on his predecessor ' s fair name 濫用職權是他前任名聲的一個污點。

Any acts of willful misconduct at the hands of virgil webster 維吉爾?韋伯斯特對嫌犯任意誤導