
misconception n.誤解,錯覺,看法錯誤。


Now a new report * from the world bank attempts to fill some gaps and explode some misconceptions 現在一份來自世界銀行的新報告嘗試去填補這個空缺并破除一些誤解。

Blame the term “ zero - gravity “ for this common misconception . gravity is everywhere , even in space 這是個普遍的誤解,事實上重力無處不在,即使在太空也是如此。

A common misconception is that you can just say anything and that is turned into a text string 一種常見的誤解是以為只可以說任何可以轉換為文本字符串的內容。

Remarkably , however , high humidity ' s most noticeable side effect might be a misconception 不過,高溫最值得人注意的副作用可能是它給人帶來的誤解。

This is a persistent misconception owing to a misunderstanding of what it means to save 這是一個頑固堅持的錯誤觀念,問題出在誤解了儲蓄的含義。

Another common misconception is : “ vegetarianism will lead to reduced strength . 另一個最常為人們提出的偏頗概念就是吃素會比較沒有力氣。

Contrary to some misinformation and misconceptions , herpes rarely affects pregnancy 與許多錯誤信息和觀念不同的是,皰疹很少會影響懷孕。

And out forms this misconception we call man but i don t know him no , i don t know him 我們不必簫薅犖a目送我離開就來賭賭看我們的未來

Walking out assessment misconception , pay attention to achievement improvement , win competition superiority 9000族標準企業業績改進分析

Children ' s misconception in na ve physics and factors influencing conception change 兒童樸素物理學的錯誤概念及影響概念轉換的因素

Is your misconception 是你的錯覺

There is a big misconception with the way stuns work now 由于現在擊暈效果的作用方式( 15秒內的懲罰) ,它的效果受到了嚴重影響。

Misconceptions and taboos 謬誤與禁忌

Avoid traditional misconceptions to developing nongovernmental business in western of china 走出傳統誤區發展西部民營經濟

I write because i want to clear some misconceptions about yoon eun hye 我寫這席話,是因為我想澄清一些關于尹恩惠的誤解。

This is a misconception 這是一個誤解。

Another set of misconceptions involves the quantitative description of expansion 另一類誤解牽涉到對于膨脹的定量敘述。

Two misconceptions concerning crimes of financial fraud and legislative suggestions 金融詐騙罪的兩個誤區及立法構想

That a doctor shall be able to physic any disease is a misconception 認為醫生應該能醫治任何疾病的觀念是錯誤的。