
misconceive vt.誤解。vi.有錯誤看法 (of)。


The author of this article had tried to reveal the close relations of the false preset of pragmatics with the structure of unconventional message , the misconceived intention of utterance , the shifting of sentence focus as well as existed phenomenon of the pragmatic vagueness etc . , starting from the viewpoints of the text message flow , the intention of utterance , the sentence focus and the pragmatic vagueness by analyzing some specific examples , thus to bring forward some practical strategies of pragmatic application 本文作者從語篇信息流、話語意圖、語句焦點和語用含糊的角度出發,通過具體例析,發現虛假語用預設與打破常規信息結構、誤解話語意圖,轉移語句焦點和存在語用含糊現象有密切關系,并由此提出一些可行的交際語用策略。

With only a few years of application in china , multimedia teaching has unfortunately been widely misconceived as a reliable indicator for measuring how well education is modernized . local schools rush to locate funds to purchase multimedia equipment and build multimeia classrooms , contributing to further development of an unhealthy trend 我國開展多媒體教學僅有幾年的時間,正因為對多媒體教學認識的偏差,把其看成是教育現代化的一種標志,所以各單位紛紛申請巨額資金,購置多媒體教學系統,裝配多媒體教室,出現了多媒體“熱”的怪現象,而且目前這種現象有蔓延的趨勢。

However , although there has been a lot of academic discussions and monographs about it from chinese and oversea economists so far , the cognitions of chinese enterprise field about this topic are still not full and profound enough , but even bias or misconceived 但是,盡管國內外不少經濟學家對這一問題都有許多論述和專著,國內企業界對這一問題的認識仍不夠全面深刻,甚至存有許多偏見和誤解。

The capital ' s underground system , which seems unable to cope with either a hot day or a sudden downpour of rain , is beset by delays as a misconceived renovation plan goes wrong again and again 而既無法抵擋熱浪的侵襲又無法應對不期而至的暴雨的地鐵網絡則由于一次又一次的錯誤規劃,面臨著嚴重的列車晚點問題。

Just like a child , stubborn and misconceiving that s how i started the show one of us had to go 隨心如流水彷如行云對與錯我的他都交出真

The housing needs of our inner cities have been misconceived from the start 我們舊城區的住房需求一開始就受到誤解