
mischievous adj.1.為害的,有害的;愛玩鬼把戲的。2.頑皮的,淘...


The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness : and the end of his talk is mischievous madness 13他口中的言語,起頭是愚昧。他話的末尾,是奸惡的狂妄。

Lead tom is one intelligent warm , mischievous active , illusioned , the rich risk spirit boy 主角湯姆是一個聰明熱情、調皮好動、充滿幻想、富有冒險精神的男孩。

There she meets the mischievous kovu - a young cub chosen to walk in scar s paw prints 在這片荒涼的土地上,一場奪命危機讓她與刀疤的接班人高孚結為莫逆之交。

He ' s the gallant knight of fairy tale and myth but still has the mischievous nature of youth 他是童話與神話故事中英勇的騎士,同時又擁有年輕人淘氣的天性。

She was a mischievous newsmonger , and was keenly wondering what the effect of her words would be 她是個愛搬弄是非的人,非常想知道她這話會產生什么后果。

Once upon a time there was a wicked sprite , indeed he was the most mischievous of all sprites 從前,有一個很壞的小魔鬼,他是所有妖魔中最壞的家伙。

And the same mischievous smile lingered a long while as though forgotten on her face 那頑皮的微笑,好像久已遺忘了似的,長時間地停留在她的臉上。

He had that rare mischievous look on his face and he was scarcely able to conceal it 他臉上不時流露出像頑童般的調皮表情,蓋也蓋不住。

We didn ' t know what they were up to , but we suspected it was something mischievous 我們不知道他們在做什么,但我們懷疑是有害的事。

However , the implementing of rule of law in china encounters mischievous strong resistance 同樣,法治于中國之推行阻力巨大。

I couldn ' t care for him to join the club , because he is sort of mischievous 我不愿讓他參加俱樂部,因為他有點搗蛋的味道。

I couldn ' t care for him to join the club , because he is sort of mischievous 我不愿讓他參加俱樂部,因為他有點搗蛋的味道。

I was sweeping the hearth , and i noticed a mischievous smile on her lips 我正在掃爐子,我注意到她嘴角上露出惡意的微笑。

Donald duck s mischievous nephews are the owners of this typical toon restaurant 由唐老鴨的三位調皮外甥經營的餐飲店。

With mischievous elves , tired from play , i go each day to an enchanted kingdom , 每天,我攜同玩得精疲力竭的淘氣小精靈,

The mischievous student has been disobedient to his mother since he was a child 這個搗亂的學生從小就不聽他母親的話。

Eradication of mischievous monkey 消滅調皮猴

Mischievous princesses games 調皮小公主小游戲

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