
mischief n.(pl. mischiefs)1.(物質上的)損害,...


He will keep her out of any real mischief 他不會讓她闖出什么禍事來的

John stirs up the other children to mischief 約翰鼓動其他孩子惡作劇。

Where have you hidden my book , you little mischief 你這個小淘氣,把我的書藏到哪里去了

You could do yourself a mischief on that barbed - wire fence 別碰那道鐵絲網,能鉤傷你的

She knew the children were up to mischief 她知道孩子們在做淘氣的事情。

She was always making mischief between them 她老是在他們之間撥弄是非。

He is a clever boy but apt to get into mischief 他是個聰明卻很調皮的孩子

Now , gettin into mischief and caught my first arrest 我哪乎人吃得這呢到

Mischiefs come by the pound , and go away by the ounce 諺災來如山倒,災去如抽絲。

The frost did much mischief to the vegetables 霜對蔬菜造成了許多的為害。

It was unfair that ivan answered for my mischief 伊凡為我的胡鬧去受懲罰是不公平的。

He is a clever boy but apt to get into mischief 他是個聰明卻很調皮的孩子。

The frost did much mischief to the vegetables 霜凍使蔬菜受到了嚴重的損害。

The boy is a regular mischief in school 這男孩在學校里是一個十足的淘氣鬼。

He is a boy with an inborn love of mischief 他是個生來就喜歡惡作劇的男孩子。

If mary lincoln had known how much pernicious mischief herndon would perpetrate in later years, she might have been more self-serving . 如果瑪麗林肯早知赫恩登在以后年代中能造成多么致命的傷害,她可能會為自己多考慮一些。

“don't be hasty“, said the captain. “don't do a mischief before you see the need of it. “ “慢著,慢著,”船長也叫道,“在你看出有必要以前,請別鬧出亂子來。”

She shall not lose her fair character through me. i have done too much mischief to her family already . 她不能因為我而喪失體面,我對她的家庭已做了許多壞事。

Her expression disturbed him-sad, timorous, with a touch of defiant mischief . 她的神情憂郁,畏怯,又稍帶著一絲兒滿不在乎的調皮味,這種神情使他感到不安。