
mischance n.不幸,災難,橫禍;故障。 by mischance ...


That , immediately , on a signal , the prisoner was removed to the interior of the prison again ; but , that lie , the doctor , had then so strongly pleaded for permission to remain and assure himself that his son - in - law was , through no malice or mischance , delivered to the concourse whose murderous yells outside the gate had often drowned the proceedings , that lie had obtained the permission , and had remained in that hall of blood until the danger was over 隨即一聲令下,囚犯又被帶走,關進了監牢。醫生于是強烈要求批準他留下,以便保證他的女婿不至因惡意或偶然被交給暴民。暴民們在大門外要求殺人的叫囂曾多次淹沒了審判的發言他得到了批準,便留在了流血的大廳里,直到危險過去。

I call those first - rate which are composed of treasures one possesses under one s hand , such as mines , lands , and funded property , in such states as france , austria , and england , provided these treasures and property form a total of about a hundred millions ; i call those second - rate fortunes , that are gained by manufacturing enterprises , joint - stock companies , viceroyalties , and principalities , not drawing more than 1 , 500 , 000 francs , the whole forming a capital of about fifty millions ; finally , i call those third - rate fortunes , which are composed of a fluctuating capital , dependent upon the will of others , or upon chances which a bankruptcy involves or a false telegram shakes , such as banks , speculations of the day - in fact , all operations under the influence of greater or less mischances , the whole bringing in a real or fictitious capital of about fifteen millions 凡是手中有寶藏,在法國奧地利和英國這種國家里擁有礦產田地不動產,而且這種寶藏和財產的總數約為一萬萬左右的,我把他們叫作頭等富翁。凡是制造業或股份公司的大股東,負有某重任的總督,小國王公,年收入達一百五十萬法郎,總資產在五千萬左右的,就把他們叫作二等富翁。最后,凡是資產分散在各種企業上的小股東,靠他的意志或機遇賺錢,經受不起銀行倒閉的,經受不起時局急變的,財產的增減單純靠搞投機,受自然規律中大魚吃小魚定律的支配,虛實資本總共約莫在一千五百萬左右的,我稱他們為三等富翁。

So , bevelling around by mullet s and the signal house , which they shortly reached , they proceeded perforce in the direction of amiens street railway terminus , mr bloom being handicapped by the circumstance that one of the back buttons of his trousers had , to vary the timehonoured adage , gone the way of all buttons , though , entering thoroughly into the spirit of the thing , he heroically made light of the mischance 不久,他們來到牟累特食品店和信號所跟前,斜插過去,只得朝著阿緬斯街電車終點站走去。布盧姆先生褲子后面的一個鈕扣,套用一句古諺,像所有的鈕扣那樣終于不中用啦。布盧姆先生盡管處在如此尷尬的境地,由于他透徹地理解事態的本質,就英勇地容忍了這種不便。

She felt all the perverseness of the mischance that should bring him where no one else was brought ; and to prevent its ever happening again , took care to inform him at first that it was a favourite haunt of hers 別人不來的地方他偏偏會來,這真是不幸,她覺得好象是命運在故意跟她鬧別扭。她第一次就對他說,她喜歡獨自一人到這地方來溜達,當時的用意就是不讓以后再有這種事情發生。

The french columns , who had marched out beyond the village , went back , but as though in revenge for this mischance , the enemy stationed ten cannons a little to the right of the village , and began firing from them on tushin 走到村莊外面的法軍縱隊已經回到原處了,但是敵人吃了敗仗,仿佛是為報復起見,在村莊右面架起了十門大炮,開始向圖申放炮。

His mind had been exploring the abysmal possibility of veronica ' s beauty and high spirits being removed from the world by a chemical mischance 他心里一直在探尋著維羅尼卡那神秘莫測的美麗,本來興高采烈的心情,也被這不幸的化學過敏事件驅散得無影無蹤。

That is the reason that by the side of my misfortunes yours appear to me mere mischances ; that is why my dreadful position makes yours appear enviable 我覺得,以我的災難來比較,您的只是一件不幸。與我的境況相比,您的境況還是令人羨慕的。

Mrs bolton looked into the man s face , that was smooth and new - looking with love . she met his half - laughing , half - mocking eyes . he always laughed at mischance 波太太望著守獵的,愛情使他滿面春光,她遇著了他的半含笑半嘲諷的視線。

I will not release the b / l till you pay off the interest of $ 3 , 000 because you wreaked the mischance 因為這個倒霉的事情是你造成的,所以我會等你付了$ 3 , 000的利息后才放提單。

He would have been discovered by the beating of his heart , if by any mischance the jailers had entered at that moment 假如不巧獄卒此時進來,或許會聽到他心跳的聲音。

What we need now is a saving clause in case of some unforeseen mischance , such as damage by rats , etc 現在我們所需要的是一個附加條款,對諸如鼠害等意外事件作出規定。

He had turned to the theft - only a small mischance had prevented him from going to an actual prison 他落得去做小偷- -只靠一個小小的不幸,才免得關進真正的牢房。

Only a serious mischance will prevent them from getting there in time tomorrow 只有發生嚴重的意外才會使他們明天不能及時到達那里。

“ you mean a mischance . “應該說那是不幸。 ”

Only a serious mischance will prevent him from arrive tomorrow 只有碰上極倒霉的意外變故,他明天才會來不了。

A series of mischance happened 一連串不幸的事發生了。

Only a serious mischance will prevent him from arriving tomorrow 只有發生嚴重的意外才會使他明天到不了。

He had turned to the theft-only a small mischance had prevented him from going to an actual prison . 他落得去做小偷--只靠一個小小的不幸,才免得關進真正的牢房。

Their intrusion, though baffling and terrible, is not a random mischance . 他們的闖入,雖然使人驚疑不定,卻并不是飛來橫禍。