
miscellany n.1.〔pl.〕雜集,雜錄,雜記。2.混合物,雜物。n...


A swing band with country overtones - - bob wills and his texas playboys comprised 13 musicians and grew into an 18 - piece band during the 1940s - - wills ' outfit played a miscellany of country ballads , blues , and riffy jazz items with horns , fiddles , steel guitar , and various strings 這個搖擺樂隊以其鄉村泛音而見長,它由鮑勃.威爾斯和他其他十三個“德克薩斯花花公子“樂隊的成員組隊,并在40年代發展成為一個十八人的樂隊- -用號、小提琴、電吉它和不同的弦樂演奏鄉村歌謠、藍調音樂和即興重復的爵士樂。

They had never been worn , my mother said . under that , the miscellany began - a quadrant , a tin canikin , several sticks of tobacco , two brace of very handsome pistols , a piece of bar silver , an old spanish watch and some other trinkets of little value and mostly of foreign make , a pair of compasses mounted with brass , and five or six curious west indian shells 在那套衣服的下面,開始出現了各式各樣的東西:一個四分儀,一個錫制的小酒杯,幾顆煙,兩對非常漂亮的手銑,一根銀條,一只西班牙老懷表,還有其他一些不值錢的小裝飾品,大多是外國制造的,一副黃銅桿的圓規,還有五六個珍奇的西印度貝殼。

The miscellany appeared in strains of myrica , casuarina and alnus were also partly coincident with what normand et al . ( 1996 ) and li zhizhen ( 2002 ) obtained : the clusters devided by the isolates from the myrica and casuarinahave grest genetic diversities . besides the analysis of the strains , we also tried to extract the dna of frankia from the nodules directly and analyse them also with the method of pcr - rflp 這些結果與baker ( 1987 )通過交叉感染試驗將來自不同宿主的50株frankia菌株分成4個類群的結果部分一致,但也暗示其可能具有局限性;此外,分析楊梅和木麻黃菌株所得到的結論支持了normand等( 1996 )與華中農業大學碩十研究生學位論文李志真( 2002 )所得的結論,即木麻黃和楊梅的菌株比較混雜,兩者都不能成為獨立的類群。

Miscellany - the red corundum grains in some of the ruby . . . zoisite rocks have corona like shell consisting of an off - white to yellowish material that , according to chris wright of wright ' s rock shop , hot springs , arkansas ( personal communication , july , 2005 ) are “ variations in the zoisite “ 備注:在某些紅寶石里有紅剛玉的交叉雙晶,有的黝簾石巖石有象貝殼樣的冠狀物,顏色為白色到淡黃色,屬于一種變種的黝簾石。

One thing that has added to china ' s popularity throughout the continent is that , unlike the western helpers who append a miscellany of irksome conditions , the chinese say they will not interfere in africa ' s politics 還有一條原因讓這塊大陸更加歡迎中國,那就是西方援助國總是附帶種種令人反感的條件,和他們不同,中國稱不會干涉非洲政務。

Time has given this miscellany the patina of reputability , but it has not given us the right to be sniffy about parallel developments that we catch in an earlier phase 時光賦于此種混雜(指西洋樂團)古色古香的信譽,但這并不賦于我們對這早期的平行發展嗤之以鼻的權利。

Now and again he reached out and added a bundle of checks to the flying miscellany that soared through the roof and out of sight in a tremendous circle 上了漿的襯衫和稿子,還不時伸手加一扎支票到飛旋的行列中去。那些東西穿出房頂,飛成一個極大的圓圈消失了。

The miscellanies of reading and studying on xie guo - zhen ' s edition and catalogue 謝國楨著版本目錄學著述讀學雜記

Miscellanies of luo zhenyu when living in tian jin 羅振玉寓津雜記

On to - and - fro rhyme scheme for regulated verse in miscellanies style 論雜體律詩的進退格

The show was a miscellany of song and dance 那場演出是又有歌曲又有舞蹈的混合表演