
miscarry vi.1.失策,失敗。2.流產;早產。3.(信等)被誤投...


It is true , i had been very unfortunate by sea , and this might be some of the reason : but let no man slight the strong impulses of his own thoughts in cases of such moment : two of the ships which i had singl d out to go in , i mean , more particularly singl d out than any other , that is to say , so as in one of them to put my things on board , and in the other to have agreed with the captain ; i say , two of these ships miscarry d , viz 就這樣,我把該料理的事情都辦了,把貨也賣出去了,又把我的錢財換成可靠的匯票,下一步的難題就是走哪一條路回英國。海路我是走慣了,可是這一次不知什么原因,我就是不想走海路。我不愿意從海路回英國,盡管我自己也說不出什么理由。

Tho i miscarried so much in my design for large pots , yet i made several smaller things with better success , such as little round pots , flat dishes , pitchers and pipkins , and any things my hand turn d to , and the heat of the sun bak d them strangely hard 我大缸做得不成功,但那些小器皿卻做得還像樣,像那些小圓罐啦,盤子啦,水罐啦,小瓦鍋啦等等,總之,一切我隨手做出來的東西,都還不錯,而且,由于陽光強烈,這些瓦罐都曬得特別堅硬。

Which you say is half your stock , and let the hazard be run for the first ; so that if it come safe , you may order the rest the same way ; and if it miscarry , you may have the other half to have recourse to for your supply 可是,天有不測風云,人有旦夕禍福,我建議你動用你一半的資本,也就是一百英鎊,冒一下險。如果一切順利,你可以用同樣的方法支取另一半。那樣,即使萬一失手,你還可用剩下的一半來接濟自己。

A spokesman for the miscarriage association , which funded the study , said : we speak to thousands of women who are desperate to find out why they hae miscarried and what they can do to preent it happening again 流產協會對這項研究提供了資助,該協會的發言人說,我們跟幾千名婦女進行了交流,她們都很想知道自己為什么流產以及想知道如何預防再次流產。

In a word , i told them i would go with all my heart , if they would undertake to look after my plantation in my absence , and would dispose of it to such as i should direct if i miscarry d 一句話,我告訴他們,只要他們答應我不在的時候照料我的種植園,如果我失事遇難的話,又能按照我的囑咐處理種植園,那我極愿同他們一同前往幾內亞。

The grant came after public health experts at a springfield hospital found that six vietnamese nail salon workers had miscarried , while others had rashes , fungal infections and asthma 公共衛生專家在斯普林菲爾德醫院發現六名越南美甲師出現流產,其他美甲師出現皮疹、真菌感染和哮喘,之后環保組織提供了該項資助。

The researchers from the london school of hygiene and tropical medicine carried out their study on 603 british women aged 18 to 55 who had miscarried within three months of getting pregnant 倫敦衛生及熱帶醫學院的研究人員對603名年齡在18至55歲之間的英國女性進行了調查,這些女性均有懷孕前三個月內流產的經歷。

While it ' s true that women who end up miscarrying or whose pregnancies aren ' t viable are less likely to feel nauseated , a lack of nausea does not mean that there ' s anything wrong with your pregnancy 一些有過流產或不孕歷史的婦女會較少地出現惡心的癥狀,當然了,不感到惡心并不意味著懷孕出現了什么問題。

The researchers from the london school of hygiene and tropical carried out their study on 603 british women aged 18 to 55 who had miscarried within three months of getting pregnant 倫敦衛生及熱帶醫學院的研究人員對603名年齡在18至55歲之間的英國女性進行了調查,這些女性均有懷孕前三個月內流產的經歷。

Any market - based reform of the university , if dose not break the barrier of the institute department , implement the generalist education that humanity and specialty combine together , will miscarry 大學的任何市場化改革,如果不打破院系壁壘,實行人文與專業相結合的通才教育,都會流產。

Underweight women , howeer , 70 % more likely to miscarry . there was also a slight increase in miscarriage in women whose partners were oer the age of 45 另外,體重過輕的婦女,流產的可能性增加了70 。而且,如果伴侶年齡高于45歲的話,懷孕婦女流產的可能性也輕微增加。

On sunday , beck contacted torrez to say she had given birth , corvington said . beck had been pregnant but apparently miscarried shortly before her child was to be born 科文頓說,星期天,貝克告訴特蕾茲她生孩子了。貝克一直懷孕,但就在孩子快出生前,她流產了。

According to a new study , thin or skinny women who get pregnant are 72 percent more likely to miscarry in the first three months of pregnancy than their normal weight counterparts 一項最新研究表明,過瘦的女性在懷孕前三個月流產的幾率比正常體重的女性高72 % 。

Anatole was dining that day with dolohov , and consulting with him how to achieve the exploit that had miscarried . it seemed to him essential to see natasha 這一天,他所尋找的阿納托利在多洛霍夫家里吃中飯,和他商議怎樣挽回這件給弄糟了的事。

A study of thousands of pregnant women reealed those who included fruit and eg regularly in their diet were 46 per cent less likely to miscarry 一項針對幾千名孕婦的調查顯示,每天都吃水果蔬菜的孕婦流產的可能性降低了46 。

“ i have been with you for twenty years now . your sheep and goats have not miscarried , nor have i eaten rams from your flocks 38我在你家這二十年,你的母綿羊,母山羊沒有掉過胎。你群中的公羊,我沒有吃過。

Dwight howard ' s family refer to him as the “ miracle child ” as his mother miscarried seven times before he was born 魔獸德懷特霍華德曾經被他家族的人稱作“奇跡之子“ ,因為他母親之前流產了七次。

Those with a sweet tooth also benefited , with regular chocolate eaters 15 percent less likely to miscarry 喜歡吃甜食也有好處,經常吃巧克力的孕婦流產風險減少15 。

Give them , o lord : what wilt thou give ? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts 耶和華啊,求你賜給他們;你要賜給他們什么呢?求你使他們墜胎小產,乳房萎縮。