
miscarriage n.1.失策,失敗。2.流產,早產。3.(信件等的)誤投...


Among the women , more than 16 , 000 reported having had an induced abortion at some point in their lives and almost 22 , 000 reported having had a miscarriage 在這些女性中,超過16000位在她們生命的某個時候都有過人工流產史,將近22000位有過一次流產。

If a woman has had a previous abortion , it also raised the chances of a subsequent miscarriage by more than 60 percent , while fertility problems were associated with 41 per cent higher 此外,有墮胎史及有生育問題的女性流產幾率分別高出60 %和41 % 。

Bbc reports that the new research also indicated that eating fruit and vegetables , and also chocolate , helped reduce the risk of miscarriage 據英國廣播公司報道,這項最新研究還發現,女性在懷孕期間多吃水果蔬菜和巧克力也有助于降低流產的風險。

The little bird is in love , the ants live together , the fly is pregnant , and the mosquito has a miscarriage , the butterfly divorces , the caterpillar remarries 小鳥戀愛了,螞蟻同居了,蒼蠅懷孕了,蚊子流產了,蝴蝶離婚了,毛毛蟲子改嫁了。

Obesity , pre - diabetes and diabetes can affect ejaculation , sperm production , ovulation , miscarriage rates and increase fetal malformation rates 肥胖、糖尿病前期和糖尿病都能影響射精、精子產生、排卵、流產幾率和增加胚胎發育不良的機會。

Story : following a tragic car accident resulting in a miscarriage and the debilitation of her fiance masashi , kyoko harase noriko sakai , a popular 故事簡介:曾出現在采訪死亡和失蹤接連發生的被詛咒之家電視節目女演員原瀨京子酒井法子

Researchers in california warn pregnant women who drink two or more caffeinated drinks double their risk of having a miscarriage 加利福尼亞研究人員稱懷孕的婦女只要喝上2杯或以上的含有咖啡因成分的飲料將會增加她們一倍的流產概率。

It is also a common factor in cases of infertility and miscarriages , learning difficulties , behavioral problems and neurological disabilities in children 它也是不孕和流產、兒童學習困難、行為問題和神經功能差病例的共同的因素。

The research also discovered that woman who separated from their partners after becoming pregnant increased her odds of a miscarriage by 60 per cent 研究同時發現,女性在懷孕期間與伴侶分居,發生流產的可能性要比正常情況高60 % 。

Although many people will condemn his hanging as “ victors ' justice ” , this was no miscarriage of justice in the normal sense of the phrase 雖然許多人會將這次絞刑視作“戰勝者的正義” ,但“正義”一詞用在這里,并未失準。

Hundreds of eggs and embryos will be wasted and lots of women will go through difficult pregnancies resulting in miscarriages or abortions 將會浪費大量的卵子和胚胎,很多婦女將經歷懷孕的艱難過程,而結果卻是流產或墮胎。

The probability of abortion during pregnant time always is large , the reason causing miscarriage mostly is rolling down from the staircase 懷孕期間流產的概率總是特別大,造成流產的原因大多是從樓梯上滾下。

Nurse : it seems that you are pregnant , with a threatening miscarriage . you should stay in bed except for eating or going to the toilet 護士:看來你懷孕了,是先兆流產。除了吃飯和上廁所,你應臥床休息。

The judge thought this most extraordinary . “ perhaps , “ he mused , “ these bees are here to prevent a miscarriage of justice . 判官覺得這太離奇了。 “也許”他想, “這些蜜蜂到這里來是為了避免一樁怨案。 ”

Who says environmental hazards can cause miss carriage ( miscarriage ) , stillbirth , low birth rate ( weight ) , and birth defects Who指出環境危害能引起流產,死產,出生重量低,和嬰兒缺陷。

A good diet is ital in pregnancy . eating fruit and egetables daily hales the chance of miscarriage , research shows 懷孕期間的飲食是很重要的。研究稱,每天吃水果蔬菜能將流產的機會減半。

Objective : to systematically review evidence of the association between fibrinolytic defects and recurrent miscarriage 目的:系統地評價纖溶蛋白缺陷和習慣性流產倆者關聯的證據。

The french court had sentenced him to no less than eight years ' imprisonment and that was a gross miscarriage of justice 法國法庭判了他至少八年的監禁,那是一個嚴重的誤判案。

Who says environmental hazards can cause miscarriage , still birth , low birth weight and birth defects 世衛組織稱環境危害可能導致流產,死胎,出生體重不足,嬰兒先天性缺陷。