
miscalculate vt.,vi.算錯,估錯,錯認。n.-lation


They miscalculated on two counts . first , they did not factor in the need for the hksar government funding this year s budget deficit , unexpected at the time when the budget was drawn up , through a draw down of foreign reserves . and so the currency board adjustment mechanism involving sharply higher interest rates was not triggered 首先,它們沒有考慮到香港特別行政區政府需要動用外匯儲備,以取得資金支持今年的財政赤字,這一點在制訂預算案時是沒有料到的同時此舉亦避免了觸發貨幣發行局制度中令利率大幅上升的調節機制。

When casting his net , the fisherman has to ascertain the depth of the water , the speed of the current and the presence or absence of obstructions ; similarly , when dispersing his units , a guerrilla commander must take care not to incur losses through ignorance of the situation or through miscalculated action 當漁人把網散開時,要看清水的深淺、流的速度和那里有無障礙,游擊隊分散使用時,也須注意不要因情況不明、行動錯誤而受損失。

But he was famous for the number of times he miscalculated the distance , or his speed , or mistimed things , thereby meeting the asphalt with more than enough force to kill himself 但是,人們對他所熟知的是,他曾或好幾次錯誤計算了要飛躍的距離或車速,或行為不合時宜,因此就造成落地的力量過大,足以導致自己死亡。

If their undertakings are too small , or their efforts too thinly spread , to be efficient , it is not because they have miscalculated , but because the markets for land , credit or insurance have failed them 如果他們種地面積太小,付出努力不夠,不是因為他們估算錯誤,而是土地、信用、保險市場都讓他們失望。

Li puts the blame for shenzhen ' s rising property prices in part on the local government , which he says miscalculated the explosive growth of the city from a stretch of farmland in the 1970s 現在,深圳共有1 , 200萬人口,但在高樓林立的市中心與廣闊的郊區之間的公共交通非常不足。

In our table on the big mac index on july 7th ( corrected online ) , we miscalculated the american - dollar value of a big mac in new zealand 在本刊7月7日號(已網上更正)的巨無霸漢堡指數表格中,我們誤算了新西蘭巨無霸的美元價值。

The most common causes of this exception are miscalculating a lookup index , or using the wrong start or end point when iterating 此異常的最常見原因是循環訪問時錯誤計算了查找索引或使用了錯誤的起始點或結束點。

If the reactionaries think they can ever come round marxists in this way , they ' re absolutely miscalculating 要是反動派以為他們能這樣來迫使馬克思主義者就范,他們是完全打錯算盤了。

The navigator had a bad day and that caused the expeditions jump to be miscalculated 領航員遭遇了糟糕的一天,探險隊跳轉到錯誤的太空區域。

The salesman miscalculate the discount , so we hardly break even on the deal 營銷員算錯了折扣,因此我們很難在這筆交易上做到不盈不虧。

I couldn ' t have miscalculated 我不可能算錯啊

The american psyche is in turmoil , drew , and we have miscalculated 美國人已經精神錯亂了德魯,我們打錯了算盤

There ' s too much meat . i must have miscalculated the amount / how much i needed 肉多了.準是我算錯需要的量了

Yes , i am afraid i do miscalculate 是的恐怕我的確估量錯了。

Yes , i ' m afraid i did miscalculate 是的,恐怕我的確估量錯了。

Seem to do not have so much interest ! be miscalculate 似乎沒有那么多利息哦!是不是算錯了?

Well , they miscalculated . they misjudged 但是他們算錯了,他們判斷錯了

Or she may have accidentally miscalculated the doses 或者她可能只是意外地算錯了劑量。

And i kind of miscalculated because the soup exploded 但我有點兒計算錯誤使湯爆炸了