
misbehaviour n.不規矩(行為),品行不良。


Some of the most common forms of social misbehaviour include leaving hand phones or pagers on which disrupts the proceedings , unpunctuality , latecomers defying instructions not to go to their seats until a natural break , walking in and out of the venue indiscriminately , talking instead of listening and making a beeline for the door even before the performers take their bows 最為常見的無禮行為包括:聽任手機或傳呼機隨時響起干擾活動進行到場赴會不守時遲到后不是遵守規矩等待小休時才就座,卻是直闖而入隨意出入走動與人交談而不靜聽不等表演者謝幕便蜂擁而起,奪門而出。

Some of the most common forms of social misbehaviour include leaving hand phones or pagers on which disrupts the proceedings , unpunctuality , latecomers defying instructions not to go to their seats until a natural break , walking in and out of the venue indiscriminately , talking instead of listening and making a beeline for the door even before the performers take their bows 最為常見的無禮行為包括:聽任手機或傳呼機隨時響起、干擾活動進行;到場赴會不守時;遲到后不是遵守規矩等待小休時才就座,卻是直闖而入;隨意出入走動;與人交談而不靜聽;不等表演者謝幕便蜂擁而起,奪門而出。

A judge of court of the hong kong special administrative region may only be removed for inability to discharge his or her duties , or for misbehaviour , by the chief executive on the recommendation of a tribunal appointed by the chief justice of the court of final appeal and consisting of not fewer than three local judges 第八十九條香港特別行政區法院的法官只有在無力履行職責或行為不檢的情況下,行政長官才可根據終審法院首席法官任命的不少于三名當地法官組成的審議庭的建議,予以免職。

Article 89 a judge of a court of the hong kong special administrative region may only be removed for inability to discharge his or her duties , or for misbehaviour , by the chief executive on the recommendation of a tribunal appointed by the chief justice of the court of final appeal and consisting of not fewer than three local judges 第八十九條香港特別行政區法院的法官只有在無力履行職責或行為不檢的情況下,行政長官才可根據終審法院首席法官任命的不少于三名當地法官組成的審議庭的建議,予以免職。

The chief justice of the court of final appeal of the hong kong special administrative region may be investigated only for inability to discharge his or her duties , or for misbehaviour , by a tribunal appointed by the chief executive and consisting of not fewer than five local judges and may be removed by the chief executive on the recommendation of the tribunal and in accordance with the procedures prescribed in this law 香港特別行政區終審法院的首席法官只有在無力履行職責或行為不檢的情況下,行政長官才可任命不少于五名當地法官組成的審議庭進行審議,并可根據其建議,依照本法規定的程序,予以免職。

Planned ignoring , that is , ignore the child totally , not even look at or talk to her , until she stops . once your child stops the misbehaviour , you can divert her attention to something interesting and praise her , such as , i like your being quiet 即完全不理會他,不要對他做任何反應,包括看著他、跟他說話和抹眼淚等,直到他一停下來,便立即分散他的注意到別的有趣事物上,并稱贊他的好行為如:你真安靜!

I bowed and returned the pledge ; beginning to perceive that it would be foolish to sit sulking for the misbehaviour of a pack of curs ; besides , i felt loth to yield the fellow further amusement at my expense ; since his humour took that turn 我點頭接受并回敬了他,當他的幽默上場的時候,我覺得如果因為一群惡狗的行為而坐在那邊生悶氣實在是太不明智了;另外,我覺得也讓他繼續在我的代價上尋開心實在是厭惡。

I bowed and returned the pledge ; beginning to perceive that it would be foolish to sit sulking for the misbehaviour of a pack of curs : besides , i felt loath to yield the fellow further amusement at my expense ; since the humour took that turn 我鞠躬,也回敬了他我開始覺得為了一群狗的失禮而坐在那兒生氣,可有點傻。此外,我也討厭讓這個家伙再取笑我,因為他的興致已經轉到取樂上來了。

This includes a host of misbehaviour - cursing , obscene gestures , use of the horn unnecessarily , loud music , refusing to merge , littering including cigarette butts and just about any other act of rudeness or selfishness that may annoy others 謾罵作出不雅的手勢濫用響號音響聲浪過大不肯匯入行車亂拋垃圾包括煙頭,以及其他粗魯自私有礙駕駛的舉動,都是不當的行為。

The security of tenure for judges is constitutionally protected . judges may only be removed for inability to discharge his or her duties , or for misbehaviour on the recommendation of an independent tribunal comprising of judges article 89 法官任期受到憲法保障,只有在法官未能履行職責或行為不當的情況下,才會按照由法官組成的獨立審裁小組的建議把法官撤職(見第89條) 。

Wenger ' s dismissal of the alleged misbehaviour of his players after the final whistle and scapegoating of the referee , mike riley , made a mockery of his reputation as a manager with added moral dimension 溫格對已方隊員賽后粗魯行為視而不見,還把裁判雷利找來充當替罪羊,這些都給他最具有道德尺度教練的名譽抹黑。

He is prescribed a mild dose of a sedative called clonazepam to relax his muscles at night so his body can “ unlearn ” its misbehaviour 醫生給韋布開了小劑量的鎮靜藥,名為氯硝西泮,用來在夜間放松肌肉,讓他的身體可以“忘卻”他的不當行為。

Anna pavlovna turned to him , and with christian meekness signifying her forgiveness for his misbehaviour , she nodded to him and said 安娜帕夫洛夫娜向他轉過臉來,抱有基督徒的溫和態度,對他乖戾的舉動表示寬恕,點點頭對他說道:

The post - match atmosphere last may was worsened by fan misbehaviour and verbal skirmishes which reached even boardroom level 五月份賽后的氣氛因為球迷們的不當行為和言語沖突變得更差,甚至牽涉到董事會層面上。

When he or she is censured for misbehaviour or breach of oath by a vote of two - thirds of the members of the legislative council present 行為不檢或違反誓言而經立法會出席會議的議員三分之二通過譴責。

“ the embarrassing thing is that there are no available laws in china governing this type of misbehaviour 為難的是在中國沒有可用來治理這類事件的法律。

Mild and nonhurtful misbehaviour , such as crying , whining , casting objects , we may use ,例如:哭罵、輕打自己、把物件掃在地上等,我們可以用

To let her learn the consequence of the misbehaviour and give her a chance to quiet down 的方法,目的是讓他承擔不當行為的后果,并冷靜下來。

Always stay calm when we deal with children s misbehaviour . if the situation is 我們處理孩子的行為時,任何時候都是要盡量保持心平氣和。