
misbehavior n.不規矩(行為),品行不良。


Behavior modification means to observe and analyze the everyday misbehaviors of teenagers , find out both the psychological and moral factors hidden behind those behaviors , design appropriate method and apply it to correct misbehaviors , and lead students to form correct moral and behavior standards 行為差錯的矯正就是通過日常教育教學中學生行為差錯,觀察、分析其產生的原因,找出行為背后隱藏著的心理因素和道德因素,制定矯正其行為差錯的方案,通過行為矯正的方法,實施矯正,以引導學生形成正確的道德品質和行為方式。

It then analyzes and describes the types and manifestation of the conflict on the basis of classroom observation . students misbehavior is always the fuse that leads to the conflict , while the teachers “ autocratic and rude way of controlling the class , their inappropriate classroom teaching activities and the emphasis on the standard cultures represented by the teachers are also the direct causes that initiate the conflict 其次,在課堂觀察的基礎上對師生沖突的類型、表現進行了分析、描述:學生的違紀行為通常是導致師生沖突的導火線,但教師專制、粗暴的課堂控制方式、不恰當的課堂教學行為、強加自身所代表的規范文化均是引發師生沖突的直接原因。

This dissertation is divided into six parts and they are all about the effective ways to improve students ' misbehavior in the classrooms . the first part is about the way to organize a classroom , which is an important place in build up students ' healthy personality . a safe . nice . neat classroom with harmonious atmosphere will make students happy and they will be more hard - working 本論文將矯治學生課堂上的不良行為的策略分為六個內容進行闡釋,分別是一、安排課室環境策略,課室是建構學生健全人格的一個重要場所,一個安全、美觀、整齊、氣氛融洽的課室環境自能令學生樂在其中,勤於進德修業。

Because of the characteristics of internet such as anonymity and publicity , e - commerce makes it possible for more and more people to be involved deeply in commercial activities in cyberspace . at the same time , it also puts forward a new security requirement : how to fight fraud and prevent exchange activities from the bargainer ' s misbehavior 由于互聯網絡匿名性及開放性的特點,電子商務的發展一方面使得人們在更廣闊的數字空間內進行商務活動的同時,對信息安全提出了新的需求:如何防止來自交易實體的欺詐和攻擊

The researchers based on the six ways mentioned above and to investigate about them . besides , they also use those ways in real school teaching environment . they practise it and finally , they prove that the six ways are effective in improving students ' misbehavior in the classrooms 研究者根據以上的六大策略,展開調查,研究的工作,并運用這些策略在實際的教學情境、現存的班級團體中實施、試驗,以驗證這六項策略對矯治學生課堂上的不良行為的有效度,以得出研究的結果。

The immaturity of the subjects when confronted with the internet , and the imbalance of educational forces , the ineffectiveness of social practices will lead to misguided perceptions and misbehaviors such as digital anxiety when confronting seas of information , intellectual desolation of knowledge , value amazement in pluralism , personality foreinization in role - plays , and institutional barriers in human - computer interaction . the loss of subjectivity in cyber culture is by nature the conversion of students as subjects and the internet as a tool . from this point , we advocate that students “ internet activities should return to their “ nature “ of improving personal subjectivities development 其中,在學生的自覺能動性、獨立自主性、目的自控性等主體性不成熟的情況下,面對網絡環境的誘惑,而各方教育力量的失洽、現實社會規則的失效時,就出現了諸如信息汪洋中的數碼焦慮、知識河流中的智能荒蕪、觀念多元中的價值迷失、角色扮演中的人格異化和人機交往中的社會化障礙等主體性迷失所帶來的認識迷茫、行為失范現象。

People who work in temple are not ordinary people , if they make a mistake , misbehavior or have a bad thought , thus causes others to slander tao , the works of temple cannot be advanced , impede peoples chances to cultivate tao or even obstruct the saving of peoples ancestors bring then to enternal life through their descendant , 身為佛堂的辦事人員可不比尋常人,若是犯了錯行為不正心性不好,導致別人毀言謗道,道務無法進展,斷了眾生的慧命,甚至于延誤道親九玄七祖的超渡。

Some of the most common forms of social misbehavior include leaving hand phones or pagers on which disrupts the proceedings , unpunctuality , latecomers defying instructions not to go to their seats until a natural break , walking in and out of the venue indiscriminately , talking instead of listening and making a beeline for the door even before the performers take their bows 最為常見的無禮行為包括:聽任手機或傳呼機隨時響起、干擾活動進行;到場赴會不守時;遲到后不是遵守規矩等待小休時才就座,卻是直闖而入;隨意出入走動;與人交談而不靜聽;不等表演者謝幕便蜂擁而起,奪門而出。

This reasonable attitude creates such a forgiving kind of philosophy that , at least to a cultured , broadminded scholar who lives according to the spirit of reasonableness , any human error or misbehavior whatsoever , legal or moral or political , which can be labeled as “ common human nature “ ( more literally , “ man ' s normal passions “ ) , is excusable 這種合理近情的態度造成了一種寬恕的哲學,覺得人類的任何錯誤和謬行,無論是法律的,道德的,或政治的,都可以認為是“一般的人類天性” (或“人之常情” ) ,而獲得寬恕,至少有教養的,心胸曠達的,依合理近情的精神而生活的學者是抱這種態度的。

This research is based on the topic “ the way to correct students “ misbehavior in classrooms “ . the purpose is to investigate and analyze the effective ways systematically and to arouse the attention of our work - mates in the values and significance of classroom management 本論文以探討班級經管中,對學生課堂上不良行為的矯治策略為題,目的是要把矯治學生課堂上的不良行為的策略作系統化的實驗,調查分析與綜合整理,期能彰顯班級經營中,矯治學生課堂上不良行為的策略的要義、內涵,集思廣益,對同工有所啟示。

To ensure the healthy growth of teenagers , we as educators should analyze and study the misbehaviors of teenagers , emphasize on shaping their morality and mature personality , help them to identify more with the country and the society and understand more about their values 作為教育者應分析并研究中學生的行為差錯,加強對學生的道德品質和健全人格的塑造,提高學生對國家與社會歸屬感和個人價值感的認識,促進學生健康快樂地成長。

When more and more students are not adapted to the changes in the school environment , misbehaviors appear , such as studying deficiency , anxiety for exams , hating school , attention deficit disorder , lying , stealing , fighting , or even more serious crimes against laws 越來越多的學生不適應學校生活和環境的變化而產生行為差錯,如學習困難、考試焦慮、注意力不集中、厭學、多動、說謊、偷竊、打架,甚至違法犯罪等。

The fourth part is the way to guide students ' activities . if teachers can spend some time in guiding students in activities , they will be more motivated and concentrated , thus their misbehavior will also disappear 四、督導學生活動策略,老師若能用心、有為地督導學生的教學活動,學生學習的興致高,專注於學,課堂上的學生不良行為自能消弭於無形。

Appealing to punishments logically assumes that children ' s misbehaviors , delinquencies , or criminals stem , at least partially , from the consciousness of children that their behavior would not harm themselves 訴諸于懲罰邏輯上假設兒童的過失,錯誤,甚至疏忽或者罪行至少部分起因于兒童沒有意識到其行為后果會傷害自己。

The north koreans desperately want to make this a u . s . - north korean problem to see what else they can ask us for , to pay them , to reward them for their misbehavior 北韓一心想把這個問題變成美國與北韓之間的問題,想試探一下他們還能提出其他什么要求,要我們出錢,要我們獎勵他們的不良行為。

The proactive teacher , on the other hand , focuses on the behavior she wants from the very beginning , without drawing attention to the misbehavior . “ jimmy , the rest of the class is working quietly now 另一方面,先發制人式老師打一開始,就鎖定于他期望的行為,不過份著墨于壞行為。

The first and second section of this paper is an overview of misbehaviors , including what we mean by misbehavior and behavior modification and why it is necessary to study them 本文的第一、二部分介紹行為差錯、學生的行為差錯、行為矯正的含義以及研究矯正學生行為差錯的現實意義。

Therefore , the efficiency in teaching has much to do with the way to correct students “ misbehavior in class . this raises the writer ' s motivation in doing this research 因此能否糾正、矯治學生課堂上的不良行為,與教學的成效有密切的聯系,有鑒於此,筆者乃興超本研究的動機。

The cases are such as children do not offer help to dying parents , kids “ death for nursery misbehavior . there is no active deed , but it still constitutes crimes 然而,在司法實踐中又不斷出現這樣的案例:子女不救助生命垂危的父母,保姆不看護好嬰兒致其傷亡等等。